Need help.,.. new system... what 2 get???? subs???


Bronze Member
Username: Aznegg

Post Number: 16
Registered: Oct-05
ok so ive pretty much narrowed down what amp i want to use

The pheonix gold Xenon 1200.1 (if anyone has any suggestions on any other one i should use by all means speak your mind)

Next up is the sub..... im so lost here

my current system is

Fosgate p8002 punch amp + (2) Fosgate He2 subs in a qlogic box.... this i am selling and now i am looking to upgrade in spl and in sq.... mostly sq because i dont like the way they sound.

I was looking to keep within about 800usd.

so since i have the amp (which will run me about... 390) lets say i have somewhere in the area of about 400 to spend on subs.

so ive heard great things about the

RE: XXX (which is now discontinued)
Adire: Brahma
JL: 12w7 (i think a little out of my price point)
RE: SX (im not sure if a 12 will put out more or sound better than my current setup)

hmmm anything else?

Image dynamics idmax (again dont know if it would be louder but i hear it would be definately more precise)

so have i missed any? i need help in deciding which to get... also is there a huge difference between 12" and 15" i hear rumours of 15's being a little sloppier? is there any truth to that?

anyways i listen to rap, trance, hip hop, rave, house

and i want something that will outperform my prior system hands down.

Any advice would be highly highly appreciated, please help me out.


Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2295
Registered: Feb-05
First piece of advice is to go to the car audio forum.

Bronze Member
Username: Aznegg

Post Number: 18
Registered: Oct-05
thank you sorry for the mix up :D
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