I've recently decided to get "my act together" and put together a Home Theater setup.
I've had my main speakers and matching center for a long time, and they're pretty good ones.They are Infinity Prelude Compositions. I've just never used them in a Home Theater type setup ( though they were definitely designed with Home Theater in mind (and originally why I purchased them ) ). Up until very recently, I've left out the Center and have just been using the two towers with an Audio Research tube amp in good 'ole stereo.
So, like I said, I decided to get my act together and get this Home Theater going. I worked my butt off with overtime and just purchased a 60" Sony SXRD ( LCoS ) rear projection TV and a Denon AVR 3806.
So, my dilemma is this... Having never liked the "Quadrapoles" that were marketed to go with these main speakers, I declined to purchase them. But, a lot of time has passed since these speakers came out. Different drivers abound. Where would I even beging to find out what surrounds might sound good with my L,C,R's. Some people tell me Infinity, but Infinity has been using quite different drivers for a while now.
I realize I'm not going to get a perfect timbre match, but my thinking is that I should be looking for an accurate reproducer not a surround that will add its' own "sonic signature" ( even though that is hard to find, in real life ). But where to start, which surrounds should I be looking at?
Anybody have any ideas, suggestions or tips? Feel free to fire away.
Honestly scott unless you are one of these self proclaimed "golden ear" people on this forum, and taking into consideration that very little really comes out of those back speakers unless you have a good true 5.1 recording, I doubt you will notice much difference going with another set of infiniti speakers or even other speakers. But you may want to buy some and try it out. Return if you don't like them.