hey i have 2-Alpine MRP-M350's, pushing 2-type r 12's. 2ohm dvc, 4ohm load(each). running anywhere between 12v-14v, just wondering if someone could help me figure out what would be the best way to tune the amp(for power), not worried about SQ.
2 ohms dvc subs can only be wired @ 1 0r 4ohms ,your amp only does either 2 or 4ohms . Do NOT wire into 1ohm cause it'll make your amp overheat & shutdown .
Your only option is wire @ 4ohms giving your sub only 200wrms . I would say that u use those amps on door speakers & buy a new amp mono like JBL 1200.1 or so thats stable @ 2ohms
But bottom line is Yes u should to get full enjoyment of those subs . JBL 1200.1 is a good ex of what amp to buy .... Basically a good brand that does @ least 1000wrms @ 2ohms , u can buy a 1200wrms amp so it'll have headroom & run cooler too ...