Ok, right now I have a Pioneer Premier 470 HU, 4 Pioneer 3 ways, a Kicker 450.2 amp with 225rmsX2 power, 2 RE12's, and a sealed box. I was wondering if it would be worth it to upgrade both the front speakers (to Alpine Type R components) and to upgrade the sealed box to ported. Would the bass increase a TON? Would the SQ remain the same and would the "punchiness" of the subs remain the same?
It will be alot louder, and i dont think the sq would change enough for you to not like it. the type R componets will sound good, will u run them off an amp or the hu?
bump. Can't amp the speakers. Limited money, no parents permission etc. It ain't happenin. I heard I could get better SQ and SPL out of a ported box over a sealed but I thought sealed was better SQ wise. I guess I will still look into type r's for the front components. Do those alpines sound really good?
i have some running of the hyead unit although i dont know what model but they sound better than the kenwoods i had in there. it sounds clear im pleased with them.