I was wanting to get the new audiobahns alum12n ... 12" inchers with the alum. cone..looked like a decent speaker for the money..well then I was thinking miswell go with a audiobahn amp to just to have an audiobahn system.....well I was wondering if the A800T would thump them pretty good?? and if it would be possible to wire them..since the subs are 6ohms...wondered if I would have any problems there...thanks!!
If the sub is 6ohms DVC, then it'll drop down to 3ohms. A8000T will handle up to 2ohms. That amp is cheap in price, but will perform well for the money you're paying. I've seen it as low as $135.
oh yeah and thats my next question....should I Get a ported box or a sealed box....I just want some loud bass...I mean I know I can only doo soo much with the money I wanna spend but u think this do some decent stuff...I mean I can get the speakers for around 90 a piece then that amp for 150... and wondering about the box...ported or seal..if ported what hz??...(thanks man u been some help I kinda noob at this)
Halter, have you looked at RE subs? For the amount of money you're spending, you could buy one decent sub suited for the amp and get loud bass. You will want to go vented/ported. It'll give you more SPL.
Unregistered guest
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How many stars would you give the Audiobahn A8000T, out of 5, is it an alright amp or what? Is there any other amp like, better company and same price?
For $135, I doubt you'll find one, unless it's used. For it's value as in terms of quality, 4 out of 5. Unlike other models, it did perform well (A8002T/A8000T). I had it running during 40+ degrees during summer and -30 in winter. Had frost all over the case and still working. Over a year of use without breaking down. So good value for your money.
Unregistered guest
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Really, all I have heard was it was overheating and the fan breaking down. This amp is no where near the JL e1800D but I need a cheap amp for my second ride.
MTX 6500D is 2ohms stable and can be had for $100 - $140. Dub, what do you expect from a $135 amp? You really do get what you pay for. Open up that amp and replace it with a quiet cpu fan. It works better too. Amp will overheat if you go past their minimum requirements. I made sure it was met. It got hot, but not enough to burn/shut down. Just from my testing.
I managed to cause mine to shut down ONE TIME. I ran it in the car on a day near 100 degrees, without the A/C on, and the back seats up. It was HOT! But after letting it set for about 5-10 mins, it was fine and has never done it since. Not bad for an Audiobahn.
Unregistered guest
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Where did you find it for $135? Please dont say ebay.
well I already got te alum12n... I just wanna know what amp I can get....would it be alright to underpower them..they say there good for 1000 rms and 2000 peak...what if i underpower them?
It's the A8000T, I'm a proud owner LMAO! (Eh, it gets the job done for now) Oh yea, Isaac, you said I wouldn't hear a difference between the EDNine and the Audiobahn A8000T SQ-wise, but if I want to upgrade to an EDNine mono amp for the greater output, will the SQ be the same or slightly better?
Well I don't know where I'd get to listen to one, as there are no retailers around here, but I guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea. I would just need something with about 1200W RMS for the two Vmax's, but I refuse to pay Kicker prices...Maybe something from JBL...
Hrmmm, this is going to sound stupid, but what about something from Hifonics with about 1200W RMS? Wouldn't it sound about the same as an Audiobahn and perform a bit better as far as output?