three years ago I purchase a velodyne cht-8. This little sub rocks. I love it. However with my new home, I am ready to upgrade. What is the difference between the cht-12 and the dps-12? Is it quality or just bells and whistles?
A lot of the new Velodynes have built-in room EQ. If you go for any models as an upgrade, ensure this is part of the sub's feature set because it makes for the cleanest results by taking into account the room acoustic. Most rooms have a sonic character which has a direct impact on bass. For example they often have a resonant frequency around the 40hz mark. The room EQ feature allows the sub to iron out these anomalies to leave you with a much more even response. This balances the response in the room to give a more natural, balanced and believable result.
Incidentally, you can also setup the system with both subs wored in. By placing the subs carefully and setting up the room EQ appropriately you will get an even better response.