I should be receiving my NAD T 743 in a week or so, and I was wondering if I should use the component cables or S video cable to hook up to my DVD player. I noticed that I would not be able to use the OSD if I used the component cable. Will there be a noticable difference between the two types of cables? Also, regarding the loss of the first second of music when using the digital cable from the dvd player to the receiver, can I also connect anolog cables from the dvd player to the cd input of the receiver to solve this problem. Any thought or suggestions would be appreciated.
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go directly into your TV from your DVD player, there is no need to go to your receiver unless you lack the inputs on your TV. If you have a choice between component and S-Video, always go Component (then S-Video, and at worst go composite.
Take both. Component for DVD to screen and s-video or composite for OSD. You can also plug both audio cables, digital and analog, but you migh find a difference in sound. If your DVD-player isn't anything special I think using the digital connection will give you better quality because the NAD has very good DACs, especially compared to low/mid-end DVD-players.
landroval and MDBA both hit it. I use component video for my DVD to my TV (direct without going through my receiver) and S-Video from the receiver to my TV just for the NAD OSD.