i need help to pick an amp for this sub. right now i have an 1200 watt sound stream. Doesnt hit hard enough just let me know. the rms for the sub is 1500.
No type x's are 1000 wrms. Soundstream makes some pretty nice amps, is that a 1200 wrms amp that you have? Try checking your gain, it could be set too low.
well the type X is a sq sub although it should still hit check: sub wiring (wired down to 1 ohm) wires should be 2 gauge bassboost on amp set high enough -check what isaac w. said also
Cont.=RMS Cont. Power 4 Ohm 2 x 500 Watts Cont. Power 2 Ohm 2 x 800 Watts Cont. Power 1 ohm 2 x 1000 Watts Cont. Power Bridged 4 Ohm 1 x 1600 Watts Cont. Power Bridged 2 ohm 1 x 1950 Watts
This is a $1,800 amp, you willing to spend reply, I can help you out.