Archive through September 18, 2005


Unregistered guest
Well you can reach me at because I'm frustrated with this TV myself, I'll be lucky if I can unload this thing for a quarter of the price I paid for it to help offset the cost of another new TV. I'm tired of this. We definatly have a class action suit here.

Unregistered guest
Well you can reach me at because I'm frustrated with this TV myself, I'll be lucky if I can unload this thing for a quarter of the price I paid for it to help offset the cost of another new TV. I'm tired of this. We definatly have a class action suit here.

L. Lawrence
Unregistered guest
I bought my Panasonic LCD HDTV mid-March 2005. Apparently, the bulb is out. I'm waiting for repair people to pick up TV now. I was told when I bought this set that "about the only thing that can go wrong is the bulb can burn out, but that won't happen for a couple of years and they are easy to replace." They failed to mention the cost, or the fact that they will go out in four months. I added my name to the Panasonic petition and I guarantee I will NOT be making any more Panasonic purchases of any kind in the future.

Dan St Jean
Unregistered guest
Well I bought my PT-45LC12 in 12/02. Bulb died in 1/04, 13 months later with well under 1000 hours of use. We only used it to watch movies for a year and even with that maybe 3 per week max. $329 down the tubes.

Bought a new bulb and less then 10 months later boom goes the ballast. Another $650. Currently the TV sits in the basement unfixed.

I go out of my way now to not buy anything Panasonic. Bought a Sony Wega so I don't have to worry about lamps, since I believe that the companies are doing this on purpose to make more money.

Will try to get something back from Panasonic. Called today but can't wait 30 minutes+.

New member
Username: Tperk100

Virginia Beach, VA United States

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jul-05

The tech went to bat for me and Panasonic replaced both the ballast board and the lamp after 19 months at NO CHARGE to me!

Keeping my fingers crossed now.

New member
Username: Tperk100

Virginia Beach, VA United States

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-05

The tech went to bat for me and Panasonic replaced both the ballast board and the lamp after 19 months at NO CHARGE to me!

Keeping my fingers crossed now.

Andre RS
Unregistered guest
Mine burned out an an estimated 1600 hours over around 17 months. Not exactly sure when I bought it, hopefully I can find the receipt from CC. If not they might be able to pull it. Thanks for posting the faxnumber, I'll give that a shot.

Bronze Member
Username: Cyco

Post Number: 36
Registered: Jan-05
Wow! Been busy this summer, nice to see the post still going.

Mickey-FL: Yes they refunded my lamp cost.

I've been getting emails from consumers about the petition and been trying to answer them all. I know the extension on the warranty isn't the best, but at least us complaining enough did something, it's a start. I've contacted and have been contacted by lawyers, all eager to make their millions sueing Panny. One is going as far as testing the lamps. I have not heard back from them as of yet.

Let me state this again, If your lamp blows in the first year or has blown more then once in a short time, demand a new ballast!! I'm greatful mine was only the lamp, but I would really like an updated ballast. In fact, we should all get one! This was my intentions when this whole thing started. I think if some of you have time on your hands, copy or include the link from the petition, maybe some quotes from this thread, and write Panny's legal department. State that us LC13 series owners (sorry others, this series seems to have the most problems) would like replacement ballast and an extra lamp!

Panasonic Legal Department
One Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094


Michael Marino, JR
One Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Michael Marino is the Manager of Consumer Affairs who responded to my letter.


Unregistered guest
Mike K - -

I was wondering what happened to you. Good to hear from you! I would like to express my sincere thanks for all your efforts. I signed the petition and, if there is a class actions suit, I definitely want to be in on the action. I would think that this matter would be very attactive to those law offices that like to sue big companies. Anyway, as I watched the petition grow, I have been wondering how it was going to be put to use. Maybe we ought to first wait to see if there is a law firm who would want to take on this case and then they could decide how best to use it. But my guess is that Panasonic is already aware of the on-line petition and these message posts and they are hoping we will just go away. - - Andrew

D Vukie
Unregistered guest
InFocus had the same issues with their LP 500 video projector, however, they did the right thing by fixing the units.

Bronze Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 19
Registered: Jul-05
Wow thanks for the information. The more I read these boards the more I realize DLP and LCD is not worth the costs to own form the initial expense to the thousands on has to spend over the life of the TV for "bulbs." Amazing.

That 52" HD RPCRT is looking better and better especially for the money and aggravation avoided.

Never pays to be on the bleeding edge of any technology unless you like paying a premium to be a beta tester........The wow factor wears off long before that first $200 bulb needs replacing...most likely in the fourth quarter

Unregistered guest
broken fvck'n record.....

Bronze Member
Username: Helpful_smurf

Post Number: 48
Registered: Jun-05
Yeah, funny how similar the "tom bong"'s M.O. is to the LCD fan club president we used to have. He'd post the same thing over and over again, kind of like a broken record. Come to think of it, didn't he suddenly disappear right around the same time that this "tom bong" idiot showed up?


Bronze Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 23
Registered: Jul-05
48 posts and you are the all knowing oif this board? Give me a break. My opinion is mine. There are those who are raving ovr and over again about the merits of the new technology. I don't apologize for my opinion even if it insults those who paid way too much for their TV's and are now stressing over the issues with the new technology.

I am no fan of LCDs or DLP technology at this moment and ironically it is those who have presented their issues on this and other boards which has helped reinforce that opinion.


Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 205
Registered: May-05
With 23 posts you're certainly not the "all-knowing" guru of this forum.

Anyone who raves over archaic CRT technology hasn't read very much of this or any other forum.

Your opinions are insulting.
They insult your own intelligence.


Bronze Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jul-05
I am not claiming to be, In fact one must realize that just reading this forum would (or should) turn anyone off to the issues of these digital TVs. NOTHING but thread after thread of issues!!!

I do not see many RPCRT threads here in this REAR PROJECTION forum. Which speaks volumes about the lack of issues with that "archaic" technology you so disdain.

Alll you read about is how those who got sucked in are now whining about sync issues, bulb issues, noise issues, VGame issues, strange artifacts and lines, digital noise,banding, pink hues, screen doors, rainbows, service tech reps who know nothing and on and on and on. No thanks. I hope I can save someone some headache and a lot of money in waiting a few more years. If I can do that I feel justified in my rant.

The only intellegence insulted is that of the unsuspecting shmoe who actually plucks down thousands for a TV that clearly has technological issues (As evidenced here on this board)that go beyond adjusting the color. LOL


New member
Username: Kjp04

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-05
This forum is just a tiny sample of the big picture. Only a small percentage of people who purchased LCD televisions from Panasonic appear in these discussions. The only "technological issue" is the bulb cost of replacement. True, they should last longer than they have for all customers, but I'm sure this issue can be fixed. The television overall is excellent and I don't feel that I got "sucked in" at all.

Unregistered guest
I'm sick and tired on these Panasonic products. Bought a PT-60LC13 on 06/28/04 for almost $3000. After 11 months and a half of use, the first bulb died. Got a new free lamp on 4/11/05 under the 1-yr Pan warranty, but guess what? On 8/12/05, the bulb died again after only 4 months and 1 day of use. Is that a joke or what?
Why do customers have to pay such high prices for these high technology TVs that are suppose to work fine? I guess Panasonic doesn't know the meaning of "quality".


Bronze Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 100
Registered: Jul-05
Well if I paid $3000 for a TV I certainly would not want to be spending $20-$300 a year to keep watching it. Yikes. A tiny sample of the big picture maybe. All forums are that. But in other user forums you don't read of so many issues with ALL the brands of the same technology. NOt in the Dell forum , the Ipod forum, The audiophile forums, etc. Seems as a percentage there are way more problems then warm and fuzzy discussions regarding the technology especially when measure against most other user forums of technological products.


No Credibility, bong
Unregistered guest
Is dinner over?

I see the CRT zealot has returned.

CRT's suck!

bong came to riducule all of you. He thinks you are all fools and came to your thread to rub your misery in your faces.
He's a troll looking for victims to prove his bogus theory that analog CRT is the only valid display technology.

How pathetic!

New member
Username: Kjp04

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jul-05
The only problem discussed in this forum is the short life of the bulb. Surely a simple issue like this can be fixed. When Edison invented the light bulb, did people at that time complain because it was subject to burn-outs. When the automobile was invented, did they complain about poor gas mileage? When color TV was developed, did people complain about poor color? How about the telephone, did we complain about the noisy reception??......and so on and so on!!!

Unregistered guest
I'm having the same symptoms as RandyB back in June. Press power, green light blinks for a minute, then switches to red blink with lamp indicator blinking once every few seconds. I got the extended warranty with CC so I'll have to give them a call and have them check the ballast. Bought the TV in Jan '04.

Unregistered guest
Well my lamp just blew. It is 9:20pm 8/15/05, watching the Yankee game and TV just went off. Gearing up for the fight against Panasonic. Anyone wish to join me? Mike K-you seem like you were up for it...

Unregistered guest
On 8/15/05, I placed my complain at CC about the second blown TY-LA1000 lamp after calling 1-800-211-PANA and waiting 45 minutes on the phone to speak with someone. CC confirmed me that the warranty for PT60LC13 has been extended from 12 to 18 months of purchase. Today, 08/17/05, I got a new free replacement lamp with 1-yr warranty. Before the replacement lamp warranty was 90 days.
Obviously Pana is aware that these lamps are a joke.
This is the second free lamp that I got since I bought it on 06/28/04. CC told me that until now there isn't a recall on this model. But you know what... 2 Pana dealers in Miami told me that this lamp is a good business because they sell it a lot.
I'm crossing my fingers to see a long life on this new lamp!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 115
Registered: Jul-05
>>>>>>>The only problem discussed in this forum is the short life of the bulb. Surely a simple issue like this can be fixed. When Edison invented the light bulb, did people at that time complain because it was subject to burn-outs. When the automobile was invented, did they complain about poor gas mileage? When color TV was developed, did people complain about poor color? How about the telephone, did we complain about the noisy reception??......and so on and so on!!!<<<>

The kind of rationalization the Manufacturers of this junk want you to create as you beta test their product.

Your analogies point to giant LEAPS in technology that change the whole economy!!!. Not just a slight imporovement as in todays' "new" TV technology.

Horse to CAR? Letter to Phone? Candle to BULB etc.

This technology is not such a great leap We alrady have great color TVs. NOw they are offering the same TV with better resolution. Not exactly the LEAP that caused life and whole economic change as your "rationalized" examples.

To spend thousands of dollars on a product without the expectation that it WILL last 7 or more trouble free years like it's predeccessor is only made by one who can rationalize well.

Car quality is better, Phones are better, The electric light is BETTER! The long term reliability of TV's have gotten worse with this new technology and an extended warranty is MANDATORY. Usually EWs are only for those who will pay alot fo things like "piece of mind" or cannot sleep and generally useless to the wiser of the public. Thats the real signal this technology is not ready for prime time.

No Credibility, bong
Unregistered guest
bong came to riducule all of you. He thinks you are all fools and came to your thread to rub your misery in your faces.
He's a troll looking for victims to prove his bogus theory that analog CRT is the only valid display technology.

How pathetic!

Unregistered guest
I called CC earlier this week and they sent out a new lamp. It arrived today and I am posting this message using the TV as my computer display right now. The cost of the new lamp still doesn't quite offset the cost of the extended warranty I purchased but if the lamp (or ballast) goes out again, then I'll be ahead. I was following the instructions to replace the lamp and unfortunately I reset the lamp timer before checking how long the other one lasted.

Unregistered guest
Sunday, August 21 2005 The lamp on my 9 month old Panasonic Model PT50LC13 died.

The screen went out, and when I tried to turn the TV back on the green light flashed for a while and then red light started flashing and every 5 seconds or so the little red Lamp light started flashing.

$300 for a new lamp! Are we supposed to pay $300 a year for new lamps for this piece of s**t!

They didn't tell me that when I bought it!

We should file a class action lawsuit against Panasonic.

Hell, I'm so pissed off that I might just go ahead and set up a web site just for this. I you want me to set up a web site just for people who have fallen victim to Panasonic's low quality products let me know and I would have it online next week. I will even add a Panasonic lemon picture gallery and all!

New member
Username: Tperk100

Virginia Beach, VA United States

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jul-05
Pissed Off,

Let me know if you set up web site. I too will provide a little content.

Unregistered guest
Is there a class-action suit against Panasonic for the bulb issues? If there is, I will join it. Thanks.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Pissed off:

I would love it if you set up a web site. The more we get the word out, the better.


Unregistered guest
Pissed-Off-Customer, I would let you know that I'm interested, but your e-mail is not available. Please post back here if you get it up and running.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 176
Registered: Jul-05
The makers of the crap know there will be the gotta have bunch that run out and drop thousands of dollars to "beta test" their product. Yes $300 a year for bulbs. Its a class action lawsuit only the lawyers will make out on. You guys may end up with a coupon for free popcorn and coke!!!

Research and wating is a great thing for new technology. Thanks for the heads up!

New member
Username: Gjb85705

Tucson, AZ U:SA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Aug-05
TV psychic you need A.A. (attitude adjustment)

New member
Username: Gjb85705

Tucson, AZ U:SA

Post Number: 3
Registered: Aug-05
All you folks with problems with the pt-50lc13 let me know of webpages law suits etc. We need to fight Panasonic on this.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 190
Registered: Jul-05
Aint gonna happen. As those in the "know" on this board keep telling me.

You guys only represent a fraction and vocal minority of owners.(Happy customers don't post).
The majority evidently are not shring your issue so you are out of luck. Panasonic will not admit to a faultly bulb! You are pizzing in the wind on this one.

New member
Username: Tperk100

Virginia Beach, VA United States

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jul-05
Interestingly, after 19 months with no extended warranty, Panasonic, without me even talking with them, replaced both the lamp and the ballast board in my PLT-50-LC13 AT NO CHARGE. This was my first failure. I commend Panasonic for this, but I suspect that this means they know they have a problem with this model.

Based on what I read on boards like this, I am fearful for what the future holds. However, I have spoken with the top 2 Panny service centers in our area, and they tell me they have had very few problems with this model. There has to be some truth to the premise that we are only hearing from dissatisfied customers and not satisfied ones. We probably ARE a small minority.

In spite of this, if there is any sort of legal action taken I do hope to be part of it (kind of like insurance for me). I also agree with the poster that said a successful law suit would probably win us just about nothing....maybe a coupon for $100 toward the purchase of any $1000 Panny product, if that.

I really think what this is going to boil down to is that we will simply have to take our lumps and go on. I consider myself very lucky at this point.

Unregistered guest
I am another unfortunate newby to this board. I bought a 60-LC-14 in April and had my first lamp burn out last week. The good news is that all of your work has helped the process. I have to say that Panasonic handled things very well and made it easy. I got through to the 800 number right away. My TV is under warranty (now extended for 18 months for the lamp thanks to you all). The tech on the phone quickly walked me through an easy procedure to take out the lamp and check it while I was talking to him. They gave me a case number. I faxed the receipt w/ case number to the number they gave me. They shipped that day and I recieved two business days later. I popped it in and I am up and running. I just returned the old lamp unit in the same box via prepaid UPS. HOWEVER, I did buy this product expecting the lamp to work for many years. This does stink. I am glad panasonic is not giving us the complete run around. However, I think they should ship all of us a spare lamp so we can keep up and running. I also think they should make sure the warranty on the replacement lamps is continuous for as long as we own the TV. We should never have to pay for a lamp which burns out in less than 2 years or so. I also think they should come up with a lower cost way of replacing the lamps. It does look like they recycle the unit and just replace the bulb. I think a class action lawsuit is not going to help any of us. However, some pressure for Panasonic to do the right thing on the spare, lower cost replacement part, and warranty extensions is valid. I was SO HAPPY with my TV until this happened and I found out my problem was not a fluke via this message board. Oh well.

Unregistered guest
I think we should try to figure out how to buy just the bulb. Many 100W HID bulbs can be purchased at a much more reasonable prices. We could certainly disassemble the unit and replace just the bulb if we could find a supplier. I noticed that my deceased bulb had a number on the side of the bulb of 430102604. Unfortunately, a quick search on the internet for "HID lamp 430102604" resulted in nothing. Perhaps someone else has a suggestion as to finding a potential supplier? I myself would be much less angry if I knew I could get the bulb for $100 or less.


Unregistered guest

i personally would like to thank you for everything you did to help everyone with problems with the lc series. my set went out today after 12 months, and i have you to thank for letting people know that it has been extended for 18 months.


jeff in encinitas
Unregistered guest
Well, I got 5112 hours out of the first bulb. I guess that's better than some but it still sucks to spend $300 to fix a $3000 TV set.

By the way (and I didn't see it on this thread), to find out how many hours you have, press VOL- on the TV and TV/VIDEO on the remote with the TV OFF. After about 10 seconds, the TV will power on. I don't know if it is possible to screw anything up in this service menu but be careful all the same.

I noticed some dust on what I suppose is a lens that the bulb shines through. Anyone know how to access that side to clean it?

rob in colorado
Unregistered guest
Well... we just lost our second bulb on our PT50LC13 in as many years. Not at all happy about it. From what I've read here, the unit is owner replaceable... a good thing because it appears this will be an annual event at approximately $300 plus S&H. The cost to replace the lamp the first time was $553.75 but I know a whole lot more now thanks to this site and my short lamp life.

I've got to admit, the picture is absolutely gorgeous when the lamp is operating. However, Panasonic's estimated 10k hour lamp life is an outright lie (closer to 3K hours) and reduces my overall customer satisfaction SIGNIFICANTLY.

New member
Username: Jareks1234

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-05
siemanko chlopaki
enybody know adres the place where i can buy this 30$ bulb? and do you know somethink about how to make instalation? i've got the same problem two years 5h/day and now my tv "calling somewere" (trying turn on, make some sound) and not turn on or maybe it's not lamp :-) ?

Depack C.
Unregistered guest
I attached a 12v computer fan to the side of the TV that the bulb resides. I run the fan during normal use and let it run for about 10min after I turn off the unit. Before I installed the fan the bulb used to make snapping sounds when the tv was turned off. My first bulb died (exploded) from overheating so the fan was my solution

B Fisher
Unregistered guest
Well I just joined the club and the petition. Petition is up to 1082 people. 15 months, average use-maybe 2-3000 hours tops. I will be raising holy hell tomorrow morning. Model is PT50LC13.

If there is a lawsuit or any other new news please post. They should have to provide lamps for us until we reach 10,000 hours. It is what i will demand. And I will be sending letters to their legal team, consumer affairs rep, and i will fax and email them until they send me a lifetime supply of lamps. I bought their dvd surround system too. I love their products. But this lamp issue is total crap. I agree completely-they should drop the lamp cost down to $50.00. Then we wouldn't be so pissed about this. And I'm sure Panasonic wouldnt go broke.

Unregistered guest
I'm now on my second (PBB) Panasorry bulb burnout
just want a replacement bulb that is reasonable. I can live with my set costing me $30.00 a year but not $300.00. I Swear I will not buy panasorry again. WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST BULB?

New member
Username: Iamasucker

Mesa, AZ USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-05
I bought my PT-45LC12 from ultimate electronics on 11/5/202 for $3600. That included a 5 year warranty. My first bulb went out around 18 months. I found out that the extended warrantee didn't cover the bulb. The ultimate service guy was gracious enough to replace the bulb at no charge. Ten months later, here I sit on labor-day with no TV (burnt bulb). Even if they continue coming out replacing my bulbs every 10 months for the next five years, the aggravation factor alone makes me consider dumping the thing in the land fill. I cannot spend $300 for a bulb that lasts only 10 months. From an investment consideration alone, I could buy a new decent TV for $1000 (like the Sony I've had for 12 years), 300/1000=30%. That's a great return on investment to dump this thing and invest in another brand even according to wall-street standards. Even if they come fix it, I'm going to have to have a backup TV to watch for the two weeks a year that I'm out a TV (what's the point of this?). So I spent $370 for an extended warranty on a TV that I will only get 2 ½ years out of because technically, the TV is okay, just too expensive and aggravating for me to own. I mostly blame Panasonic for this miserable experience, but I also blame Ultimate because I paid for a 5-year warranty and expected to have a TV for 5-years. At this point, I am ready to take the $3600 loss and chalk this one up to experience and never do business with either of these two companies again.

New member
Username: Delta308

Rocklin, California United States

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-05
I bought my PT-43LC14 on 4/09/2005 for $2300.00 I just had the lamp replaced 2 days ago. I agree with Tom Westbrook about considering a purchase of a real HDTV with a flat tube like the Sony 34-Inch FD Trinitron WEGA Hi-Scan Widescreen HDTV-Ready* Television from Best Buy. If my lamps continue to burn out every 5 to 10 months I can pay for a real HDTV with good old fashion tube in just 5 lamp replacements. I personally will never buy any Panasonic products again! I believe that a large company like Panasonic could do well without stealing from the hard working americans who are just looking for the best product for their hard earned money. Panasonic should disclose this horrendous flaw in their design and stop misrepresenting their products by claiming a lamp life of 10,000 hrs.
My lamp was replaced with only 1,086 hrs. of use.
This in my opinion is gross product misrepresentation.


Unregistered guest
My lamp went out on my PT-50LCX63 in 12 months and 2 weeks. Based on the earlier posts here, I called Panasonic, and after finally getting through to the Customer Service in the evening, they quickly verified while I was on the phone that I had a blown lamp, gave me reference number, that I put on my original purchase bill of sale, that I faxed to them. That was Monday night, and a new replacement lamp arrived on Thrursday. I have to ship the old one back pre-paid by DHL, otherwise they will charge me for it. It is my understanding that Panasonic extended the original warranty to 18 months, and 12 months on the replacement lamp. I recommend taking advantage of that.
Couple more recommendations. While waiting for the replacement lamp to arrive, I noticed that I had an accumulation of dust on the lower inside of the window through which the lamp shines. With a bent plastic Q-tip, and a vacuum, I was able to reach the dust and clean it through the small rectangular opening without disassembling anything. After putting the replacement lamp in, the display is noticeably brighter. I plan to repeat the procedure at next 6 months.
Couple of commentaries. I believe that if you unplug the display for a longer time (such as 3 weeks that I did when I went on vacation), the internal lamp clock (accessible with TV off, press hold Vol- on TV and TV/Video on remote)is reset to zero. My display thus indicated only 200 hours of use after more than a year. Not likely. Recalculating for when I returned from vacation indicates about 30 hour/week rate, which would make it for the year about 1500 hours. That's still too short when Panasonic indicated life beyond 10,000 hours. I think that Panasonics somewhere missed the lamp life by a decimal point. I appears that they took great care to build in a circuit and an indicator to show when the lamp should be replaced. I suspect that this was out of concern of safety. Perhaps their concern was that the lamp could burst and release the poisonous Mercury vapor into your family room. Apparently that is now happening more often than they calculated. Perhaps this is why they want the old lamp back. A lawyer could probably use this as evidence.

My lamp went out on my PT-50LCX63 in 12 months and 2 weeks. Based on the earlier posts here, I called Panasonic, and after finally getting through to the Customer Service in the evening, they quickly verified while I was on the phone that I had a blown lamp, gave me reference number, that I put on my original purchase bill of sale, that I faxed to them. That was Monday night, and a new replacement lamp arrived on Thrursday. I have to ship the old one back pre-paid by DHL, otherwise they will charge me for it. It is my understanding that Panasonic extended the original warranty to 18 months, and 12 months on the replacement lamp. I recommend taking advantage of that.
Couple more recommendations. While waiting for the replacement lamp to arrive, I noticed that I had an accumulation of dust on the lower inside of the window through which the lamp shines. With a bent plastic Q-tip, and a vacuum, I was able to reach the dust and clean it through the small rectangular opening without disassembling anything. After putting the replacement lamp in, the display is noticeably brighter. I plan to repeat the procedure at next 6 months.
Couple of commentaries. I believe that if you unplug the display for a longer time (such as 3 weeks that I did when I went on vacation), the internal lamp clock (accessible with TV off, press hold Vol- on TV and TV/Video on remote)is reset to zero. My display thus indicated only 200 hours of use after more than a year. Not likely. Recalculating for when I returned from vacation indicates about 30 hour/week rate, which would make it for the year about 1500 hours. That's still too short when Panasonic indicated life beyond 10,000 hours. I think that Panasonics somewhere missed the lamp life by a decimal point. I appears that they took great care to build in a circuit and an indicator to show when the lamp should be replaced. I suspect that this was out of concern of safety. Perhaps their concern was that the lamp could burst and release the poisonous Mercury vapor into your family room. Apparently that is now happening more often than they calculated. Perhaps this is why they want the old lamp back. A lawyer could probably use this as evidence.

Unregistered guest
My lamp went out on my PT-50LCX63 in 12 months and 2 weeks. Based on the earlier posts here, I called Panasonic, and after finally getting through to the Customer Service in the evening, they quickly verified while I was on the phone that I had a blown lamp, gave me reference number, that I put on my original purchase bill of sale, that I faxed to them. That was Monday night, and a new replacement lamp arrived on Thrursday. I have to ship the old one back pre-paid by DHL, otherwise they will charge me for it. It is my understanding that Panasonic extended the original warranty to 18 months, and 12 months on the replacement lamp. I recommend taking advantage of that.
Couple more recommendations. While waiting for the replacement lamp to arrive, I noticed that I had an accumulation of dust on the lower inside of the window through which the lamp shines. With a bent plastic Q-tip, and a vacuum, I was able to reach the dust and clean it through the small rectangular opening without disassembling anything. After putting the replacement lamp in, the display is noticeably brighter. I plan to repeat the procedure at next 6 months.
Couple of commentaries. I believe that if you unplug the display for a longer time (such as 3 weeks that I did when I went on vacation), the internal lamp clock (accessible with TV off, press hold Vol- on TV and TV/Video on remote)is reset to zero. My display thus indicated only 200 hours of use after more than a year. Not likely. Recalculating for when I returned from vacation indicates about 30 hour/week rate, which would make it for the year about 1500 hours. That's still too short when Panasonic indicated life beyond 10,000 hours. I think that Panasonics somewhere missed the lamp life by a decimal point. I appears that they took great care to build in a circuit and an indicator to show when the lamp should be replaced. I suspect that this was out of concern of safety. Perhaps their concern was that the lamp could burst and release the poisonous Mercury vapor into your family room. Apparently that is now happening more often than they calculated. Perhaps this is why they want the old lamp back. A lawyer could probably use this as evidence.

Unregistered guest
Lamp just blew after 3 months of ownership in the PT-50lc14! I was upset, but after reading about the thousands of other people with the same issue, I'm extremely ticked off.

This defect is not limited to the 50lc13. I used this TV maybe 250 hours over the past 3 months and the bulb just blew.

I see a lot of you have mentioned contacting lawyers - well I have, an they are interested in this case. I will post back when I have additional details. Continue to sign up on the petition site. Hopefully we'll get Panasonic to do something about this issue.

Stay tuned.

New member
Username: Gjb85705

Tucson, AZ U:SA

Post Number: 4
Registered: Aug-05
My pt50lc13 blew two bulbs and finally got a hold of panasonic. I have to admit it didnt take them long to send someone to replace the balast and i got a lamp too. My advice now is to try and talk to Panasonic frist. They have been very nice and timely with thier repairs.

Suicide Squid
Unregistered guest
Maybe Panasonic is turning the corner. I just had my best Tech Support call ever!!! I'm not just talking about Panasonic, but better then any other customer service department I have ever called!!

I called Panasonic to replace my 2nd blown lamp in 21 months. I called because according to this list, lamps are now warranted for 12 months, and this lamp was installed last December using the original 1 year warranty.

I got through to a real human in about a minute. This shocked the hell out of me after reading the horror stories on this board. So much so I was unprepared and a little flustered. The person I spoke with seemed familar with the problem and had no problem sending me a replacment lamp as long as I gave them my credit card number for return deposit on my broken lamp as noted in previous posts. What surprised me, is that she then said since this was my second blown lamp, that she was going to refer my case to the repair department and someone would contact me next week regarding possibly replacing my ballast!!! I did not ask for this, but I will be really pleased if they offer to do this free of charge without me asking. It's probably cheaper for them then sending me free lamps every year. She also told me that I shouldn't install the new lamp they will be sending me until I am contacted by the reapair department. I'm assuming that means I could have a possible defective ballast that could destroy the new bulb.

Maybe the lamp replacement costs are finally getting to Panasonic so they are starting to take greater measures to fix the problem. I'm hoping the the core problem is in the ballast and they have that figured out now.

I hope Panasonic comes through here and that they aren't just getting my hopes up. I don't care that a new product has problems, as long as the company stands behind it and helps their customers when these problems occur.

Couple of final notes. My first bulb needed to be replaced in 11 months. It didn't blow, but would only light for 5 minutes before shutting off. According to this thread, this sounds like a ballast problem, but a new bulb worked for me. The new bulb was replaced under the orignal warranty. This current bulb blew (broken glass in enclosure) after 9 months and I faxed Panasonic my warranty'ed invoice from December.

Also of interest, the Panasonic CC number (800-211-PANA) first connected me to a voice activated menu. I was fearful I'd get stuck in the menu trap of having the recorded operator say "I'm sorry, can you repeat that again?" But much to my surprise, it sent me to a real person on the first try when I said "I need to replace a lamp" to the voice system. I don't know if the system was that smart to forward me to the right people, or if I just defaulted to someone. Either way, I was not put on hold.

My fingers are crossed.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Thank you for your detailed post, Suicide Squid. Clearly, this is encouraging news. Please follow up with us on the ballast situation.

Payton in Dallas
Unregistered guest
One more for the list, I purchased the PT50LC14 on 5/29/05 and with average use discovered this afternoon after 55 minutes waiting for a service rep from Panasonic to answer the phone the bulb was shattered.

That's 3 months of bulb life, and I will now be waiting for the new bulb to arrive on Wednesday, with no TV for opening weekend of the NFL season. Maybe the company should indicate the life expectancy of the bulb is NFL (Not for long) in its literature.

Very dissapointed in the bulb life and the length of time to reach Panasonic.

Brian Hacking
Unregistered guest
Well, My first post here.

Purchased my PT-50LC13 for my birthday in Feb 2004,
3 Months later the TV stopped turning on correctly, First it took a long time to turn on - 30 - 40 seconds, then it would light the lamp, then anywhere from 30 - 120 seconds later it would shut off again. (the errors seem like the Ballast problems described here). Had a tech come out, and it took them three weeks to get the TV back to me.

The lamp then blew in November 2004, Panasonic replaced it. Replacement Lamp just blew 10 Months later. Glad I read what was going on. Now I will make them give me another lamp. Also going to be complaining to RC Willeys (I have purchased an extended warranty from them) and see If they are willing to do anything about this issue....

I've signed the petition and hope we can get a resolution to this issue... It is doubtful though.


Unregistered guest
I am new to this message thread and have the same problems as all the above posters with a PT-45LC12 which comes with a TY LA-1500 bulb installed. I purchased this TV 19 months ago. Lamp blew yesterday. Presently, I am searching for a bulb with the longest warranty available to purchase. Now my next question will really blow your socks off. Would someone please share with me all the things I can do to shorten the life of a bulb without making it obvious? This way I will hopefully blow my next bulb before the end of the warranty for a free replacement.

To Those that say
Unregistered guest

It would be dishonest to blow a LAMP on purpose.

Be a man, Be a honest man.

Shame on you for even asking.

Todd Taggart
Unregistered guest
Well, I just found out thru American Express credit card service that the extended warranty they provide if I purchased the TV with one of their credit cards will cover my TV. American Express doubles the warranty of any product paid with their card. So I guess money wise I lucked out. So you people who purchased their TV with credit cards, check to be sure that the warranty is covered via the credit cards company warranty service plan.

PT-60LCX63, 18 months, just started on the 3rd bulb.

Unregistered guest
I bought the pt50lc13 almost 18 months ago. After my bulb blowing out and my ballast and my tech board needing to be replaced, I sent letter after letter to panansonic explaining my severe dissatisfaction and they agreed to replace my TV. Does anyone know what they will replace my broken TV with?

New member
Username: Kwallstorm

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
If you have a platinum visa card you can also purchase a 5 year extended warrently through them for a very realistic figure.

New member
Username: Iamasucker

Mesa, AZ USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-05
Todd, let the TV run a while and then take the lamp out and pure cold water on it. That should do it! :-)

Unregistered guest
I first posted on 7/28 regarding blowing a second bulb in 20 months. Called customer support last week. Got through to a good rep on the other end and she had a new bulb out to me in 2 days and a tech to come get the TV for diagnosis/repair. The box also included a return slip for the ballast, so it seems they are expecting to replace that too. I expect to hear from the tech (they are already predicting new ballast) today and proceed accordingly. So far so good. I will update when all is complete. If for some reason they do not extend warranty, then I will go to VISA as they double the original warranty.f

same problems as everyone else. got my tv in february, first bulb blew in 6 months, second bulb 4 months, had ballast changed. and now, all over the tv is blue dots. i want to know how they can sell a 3,ooo dollar tv and for it to be defective like this. i would love to get a lawyer to sue them. i sent a complaint to attorney general of the state of michigan. im tired of dealing with this tv. should not have to. we should sue them for pain and sufforing too;). there has to be some law for us consumers. i am ready to call my local news. if panasonic doesnt call me back and reimburse me for the bulb i will. my tv sure makes a good dust collector!!!!!

Dennis Champagne
Unregistered guest
Bought PT-60LCX63 5-10-04. 1st bulb blew (broken glass) 5-8-05 (1 year). Replacement shipped 5-12-05. I really have to thank this board for the accurate information and probably for the extended warranty on the replacement bulb.The new bulb blew again (broken glass) 9-14-05 (4 months of almost continuous use) and probably wouldn't have been covered under the original 90 day deal. With a one year warranty for replacements to deal with, I expect we will see more balast repairs in the process. I'll call tomorrow to begin the process for my 3rd bulb. Thanks again for the info!

To Those that say
Unregistered guest
RE: Todd, let the TV run a while and then take the lamp out and pure cold water on it. That should do it!

Tom Westbrook,

You do know when someone on purpose kills a lamp(blub) it may not affect you directly, but at some point it will. Either in higher costs, Or more BS when YOU need a replacement lamp.

One thing is certain, we ALL need to band together on LAMP life, and LAMP replacement costs to get mfg's to HONOR the rated time, and get the lamp costs down to say around $40, instead of the current pricing of $199 to $250+ regardless of which set you have, Panasonic or not.

I think the fastest way to get the cost down would be to standardize on (1) blub design so ALL the set use the same lamp design, if not the same lamp accross the board.

To me 6,000 hours mean 6,000 hours that 98% of the lamps should reach and then some, instead of rating the lamps as they do now in which only 50% of the lamps will reach.

Here's an even better one for you. Thought my problem was a bad bulb (pt50lc13), based on what the Panasonic Cust. Service rep. told me. Took it to their repair place - it's a bad "optical unit" - repair cost = $2,500 - more than the TV cost. The TV is 20 months old. I got shot down pretty rudely when inquiring if there is anything PAnasonic will do for me regarding this. He actually asked if I wanted to buy a new TV !?!?! I will make sure that this costs them much more than $2,500 in bad reputation as I spread the word that "panasonic" is synonymous with "rip-off." Anyone know of a site where I can post a video of me chopping up the TV into little pieces (along with a narrative of why)?

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 533
Registered: Jul-05
Don't fret there are plenty more DLP TVs you can choose from to replace your new dead Panasonic DLP.

When will you guys learn? MOst of the TVs are great. This is only a small sampling of the entire sales. You are just the unlucky few. Somebody has to be.

For those who are considering this technology you have to ask your self:

"Do I feel lucky?" Well do you?

Bronze Member
Username: Helpful_smurf

Post Number: 79
Registered: Jun-05
Very helpful and every bit as astute as usual Tom.
Me, I'm thinking in retrospect that extended warranty might have been a good investment. ;)



Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 542
Registered: Jul-05
OF Course Smurf is. He SELLS them at Best Buy....$400+ a pop! Same Warranty at Wal Mart $180. Go figure.

Spoken like a true sales dweeb and very helpful Smurf. I will bet you print out the issues from those who did not buy a warranty and bring them to work....

"Last year, profits from warranties accounted for all of Circuit City's operating income and almost half of Best Buy's, say analysts. They figure that profit margins on contracts are between 50% and 60%. That's nearly 18 times the margin on the goods themselves. For example, a four-year contract on a $3,000 flat-panel TV costs about $400. Best Buy gives its insurers $160 and keeps $240 for itself".

" Yes Sir that will be $3245.53. Thanks you.....Uh sir You really should fork over another $400. Thise Tvs are not very reliable and very expoensive ya know". That will extend your warranty another two years after which you are really screwed. BTW your TV may be down a few weeks while our third party service guys attempt to fix your TV. It's really not our problem anymore. You are signing with a third party insurance service............"

Yeah you are much more helpful and credible...

Silver Member
Username: Dlp4me

Post Number: 187
Registered: May-05
"Don't fret there are plenty more DLP TVs you can choose from to replace your new dead Panasonic DLP."

While you ramble your bullshit, tom, if you cared to investigate, you would know that it's an LCD, not a DLP.

You're so busy being an as$hole that you wind up looking like a complete dumbass on top of it.


Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Is this Tom Bong guy for real? I just have trouble believing that anyone could be this incredibly dumb. I think Mr. Bong is simply a major pest that craves attention. He knocks the hdtv technology and asserts that the sets aren't ready to buy as there are still issues with them. Bunch of BS. Mr. Bong must not know that the first hdtv set was purchased about 8 years ago. The technology is at a point where it is very safe to buy. What we are dealing with is clearly a defect in several Panasonic models and there is clearly a compelling case that Panasonic should conduct a recall. For Mr. Bong to blast all hdtv sets on account of this defect would be like saying nobody should buy cars as certain models/makes develop issues, which sometimes results in recalls. Also, Mr. Bong says, in another breath, that "most of the tvs are great" and that WE are a "small sampling" of the entire sales - suggesting that we are "just the unlucky few." I say to this moron - who clearly does not know the difference between dlp and lcd technology, how the phuq did you arrive at that conclusion? Do you think that EVERYONE who is experiencing these problems with their Panasonic sets is 100% represented on this board and the petition? The situtation is probably the exact opposite of how your spinning it. That is, WE - who have posted comments on this board and signed the petition - are likely a small percentage of consumers faced with this problem AND are the "lucky few" who have found this particular website and have been able to benefit some through the sharing of information. In other words, a reasonable person with half a brain would conclude that many more consumers must be deaing with this very issue and not have a clue that these forums exist. At this time, 1179 people have signed the lamp petition. I'll bet there are thousands more that would gladly sign it if they knew about it. So, I say to you, Mr. Bong, that the only thing you have proven through all of your insipid posts, is that you are complete moron who feeds on attention. This will be the last thing I say because I don't care to give you anymore attention. I hope you develop cancer or a large brain tumor.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 566
Registered: Jul-05
Glad you finally got that off your chest! LOL

Yes I do the difference between LCD and DLP. Although sometimes I am not correct in the manufacturers implementation of such. Those who have bothered to read my messages will understand that in my opinion ALL RP fixed pixel displays are terrible rip offs. DLP being the worse because of it's moving parts and the issues inherent.

It is many who agree this is a small sampling yes. BUT this is a sampling also of thoose who take this technology very seriously and are usually gadget freaks. IN their zeal to be on the leading edge they and you are quick to give the manufacturers a pass and make excuses for shoddy design and misleading specifications.

The ARE way to many issues here. EACH manufacturer has their own issues. ALL manufacturers routinely mislead about lamp life. ALL users recommend the purchase of normally useless Extended Warranties BECASUE the reliability is suspect!! Even some consumer advocates who do not recommend the purchase of an Extended Warranty on ANYTHING are changing their tune with this technology. IF that is not a red flag I don't know what is.

You want to make excuses for the technology. Go ahead. You are in a different group then the average Joe who really does not want:

a TV thet looks it's best on ONLY ONE input source.

a TV that requires and expense of $300 every year or two.

a TV that may in all likelihood be inoperable for a week or weeks on end just for a lamp

a TV that he must spend 25% MORE for just to eek out 24 more months of "free" service, then he is on his own

a TV that will not and has not proven to last as long as his CRT has without issue

You guy are pizzing up a rope if you think Panasonic will change anything due to your whining. There are not enough OWNERS of these sets out there to create the groundswell of protest you seek. I am speaking of more then 15% of the public that even have or care about owning an HD TV. And less then that who own RP fixed pixel TV sets.

It is you fan boys who have been quick to remind me this is a small sampling in YOUR defense of crap!!! I just agreed and said it is also a small sampling of CRT owners here and RPCRT owners here and PLASMA owners here and LCD owners here. YET the ration of RP FP issues far exceed the problems in all the other technologies in this small sampling. That is very telling and BTW it is not only this forum that reflects those disparaging numbers.

So defend and protect all you like to justify your choice. I will continue to warn those who do not care to deal withn all of your issues to see pimples on American Idols and just want their TVs to be reliable and trouble free as they have come to expect from the technology over the past 60 years.

I will continue to tell those who are asking quations to the fan-boy set to do the reseach beyond the hearts and flowers set. Read other interest froums and see if the ratio of conversation and sharing to complaint is as high. REad the OTHER TV technology forums and look for the same.

For a "small" sampling there are certainly a high ratio of crying and whining about teir purchases in such a short time after purchase compared to ANY other product forum!!! All one has to do is read for themselves. Don't believe me. Read and come to your own conclusions.

......All the brain tumors in the world won't cloud the ability to see what is pretty evedant.

New member
Username: Imustbecrazy

Post Number: 7
Registered: Sep-05
Andrew, that's a pretty heavy-duty post against Tom's view, but he does have legitimate points. Tom is striving to teach future buyers of unforeseen hidden costs, which I think, are a noble effort.

I own a RPLCD. I own a Sony, but almost bought the Panasonic. 60" for $3,000.00 was tempting.

But let's move on and come up with a resolution. Basically I see you guys fighting for different causes. You're battling for current Panasonic owners. He's trying to prevent potential buyers' grief. Tom intentionally wondered onto your battlefield.

I think you guys need a good game of paintball. (Never played it myself.) You know, a game that will in flick pain to somebody you disagree with, but won't cause serious injury.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Sam, I don't see anything positive, constructive or useful in Tom's posts. I'm addressing certain specific things and he is all over the map. Unforseen hidden costs? Ever buy a house? A new car? Hidden costs are everywhere; not just television sets. I own the PT50LC13 and I also own another Panasonic flat panel lcd TV, which is not bulb-based. No problems with the latter. It's fantastic. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to purchase an HDTV to do it, compare prices, but to avoid, like the plague, those sets that use a lamp that will require replacement. Panasonic clearly has certain models that are faulty. Defective models don't just occur in television sets. This sort of s--- happens in cars and other appliances. Surely, you know that. In the news, Ford recently recalled 3.8 million pickups and SUVs. Using Bong's rationale, I guess people should stop buying pickups & SUVs. You see, Bong is lumping everything together into one pile and, in one swoop, dismissing hdtv sets alltogether. Does that make any sense when the real issue involves certain defective Panasonic models? I'm not here to defend hdtv sets. All I'm saying is there is no valid reason to attack it. Like anything else, do your homework before buying something. Whether it's a new heat pump or new roof, do your homework. I certainly did my homework when choosing to buy the PT50LC13, but Panasonic misrepresented the facts as to the bulb's life and, so far, has not publicly acknowledged the problem and offered a real, long-term solution.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 576
Registered: Jul-05
>>> Ever buy a house? A new car? Hidden costs are everywhere; not just television sets. <<<

The rationalization and excuses have gone mad. How can a sane person compare a television set with a HOUSE ot CAR? A television set whos very technological history goes against the idea of HIDDEN COSTS. Amazing the logic of these "Holier then thou" psuedo self actualized intellectual types.

Lets compare to a car:

Would you pay $25000 for a car if it needed a $2000 engine every year or two...ot THREE? And then pay another $4000 for an extended warranty on the same car?

Now a HOUSE:

Would you buy a home that cost $200000 if you had to spend $20,000 every year or two for a new roof and another $40,000 for a Extended Warranty?

Please the absurdity of your comparisons are pretty evident if you apply the same economical logic to Television sets LOL.

I have opined to those who HAVE to have a fixed Pixel TV, LCD or Plasma technology. I OWN BOTH. A plasma in the bedroom and an 27" LCD in my Studio for the PC.

Yes if Ford is recalling Fords Many smart people will and should reconsider buying one. Many models have fallen due to the market place. DLP and RP LCD will be the same. This will be the best year of sales. Watch and learn. Next year The technology will slip as more reliable and needless maintenance TV reach a similar price point.

You di your homework and Panasonic misrepresented. Now that we all KNOW the manufacturers are misleading with their specs why should anyone buy them.....unless they feel lucky. You feeling lucky today? Panasonic nor Samsung will publicly acknowledge an issue. OF course not. Samsung is not replacing all those "over the rainbow" TVs just because a buddy came by an gets a headache watching your TV!!!

The ONLY long term solution is to stop supporting manufacturers who are putting the stuff out and to wise up the average JOE. The fanboy videophile will always be seduced by technology. The average Joe just wants a reliable care free TV he pays for ONCE then enjoys for years like he always has.

I would venture to say the your comparison to "other" appliances is a stretch at best. When is the last time so many had issues with their Washer and Dryer, Refridgerator, Home Computer,,,,oh and the hiddden and ongoing costs of those items? Now there a real comparison. Not Cars and homes. LOL

Thank you Sam for understanding the message if not the messenger.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Tom, what on earth is your point? Can you sum it up in a sentence or two and leave out all this rambling BS. Seriously, I am trying my best to understand where the heck you are coming from. Again, just a couple of sentences? Just trying to get to the core here.

Unregistered guest
Panasonic PT-50LC13. Just had my third lamp blow. TV purchased Aug 04. 1st bulb went Oct 04. Circuit City replaced the whole TV. The replacement tv blew the bulb Feb 05. Bulb was replaced by Panasonic. Third bulb blew today (sept 05). After spending 2 1/2 hrs on phone, Panasonic is replacing. DO NOT BUY ONE OF THERE TV's!!!!!!.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 580
Registered: Jul-05
Read the above post..There's my point. And this is just one brand!

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 581
Registered: Jul-05
>>>Seriously, I am trying my best to understand where the heck you are coming from. Again, just a couple of sentences? Just trying to get to the core here<<<<

Considering your long winded diatribe about me I would think you would have a longer attention span and ability to process information......Guess not.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Well, Mr. Bong, I tried reaching out to you - to better understand your position - and you blew me off. So, I remain unclear as to why you hang out on this board. I can't effectively debate you cause I don't know what the hell you are saying. You say it doesn't pay to be on the "bleeding edge of any technology" and, from what I can make out, it seems that your intention is to steer people away from HDTV because the technology isn't there yet. Well, that is a bunch of horse s--t and you are doing people a real diservice with your garbage. There is no bleeding edge for HDTV. As I mentioned, the very first HDTV set was purchased about 8 years ago. Today, this technology is safe and reliable enough to invest in it. To say otherwise is a bunch of baloney.

If you do not own one of the Panasonic HDTV projection sets, consider yourself lucky and get lost! You have no business here. The people on this board have unwittingly invested in a DEFECTIVE PRODUCT and are dealing with a miserable company (Panasonic) that would very much like us to go away. We have been screwed. This forum is a positive thing. It is essentially a support group through the sharing of ideas. YOU OFFER NO SUPPORT. You say we are pizzzing in the wind. But the fact is that some progress has been made such as the warranty extension from 90 days to one year on the lamp. That would never have happened if we didn't complain enough.

Again, I don't understand what the heck you are doing here other than being an attention junkie perhaps. You are a piece of work.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 587
Registered: Jul-05
>>>Today, this technology is safe and reliable enough to invest in it. To say otherwise is a bunch of baloney.<<<

This is your opinion? Even though you are all whining you call it reliable. Amazing the rationalization going on here! Oh well in any case I respect you opinion as skewed as it is, as your personal truth although I do not agree with it in any shape or form. Safe? from what? Certainly not from financial pain. Reliable? If so I dare you to purchase one without the $400 Extended Warranty. Just recommending highly as many here do the purchase of that "insurance policy" is enough to deem the TV unreliable. Thati½s not baloney kind sir.

>>>>>The people on this board have unwittingly invested in a DEFECTIVE PRODUCT and are dealing with a miserable company (Panasonic) that would very much like us to go away. We have been screwed.<<<<<<

Unwittingly? So its not your fault? Its not your responsibility to read these and many forums for those like myself who warn of the pitfalls. You speak from both sides of your mouth. I don't feel sorry for you guys at all. YOU BOUGHT THE HYPE?? Now you want Panasonic to take responsibility? Not going to happen, You need more people like me shouting from the mountaintops STAY AWAY from this technology UNTIL the Panasonics are up top their ears in unsold product.

90 days to a year? WOW! Very nice. How long is your TV a piece of Art while you wait for that lamp?

Perhaps if MORE people were of my opinion you would not only get a year but 3 years and ALL the manufacturers would start making reliable product and not misleading those easily mislead.

You do not have to understand me. My message is not for you, Its too late for you. Im hoping those who have not jumped in with blind faith will read these posts and wait it out. THAT is the ONLY real way to shake the Panasonic tree. Your whimpers are met with patronizing BS.....a year as if they did you a favor!!! LOL Now thati½s pretty funny.....

And you say I'm the piece of work!

look in the mirror
Unregistered guest

There is no bleeding edge on these sets?

For a company to only have, to only warranty the lamps for that amount of time sort of says these sets are indeed "bleeding edge". 90 days, or even 1 year warranty on the lamps is a joke.

You say:" Today, this technology is safe and reliable enough to invest in it."

Yea, right.. that explains the 90 day and 1 year warranty.

That also explains all the persons who have posted in this thread (and others) that have had to replace the lamp already.

I bet they will be relieved to hear from you that: Today, this technology is safe and reliable enough to invest in it."

If I had stock in the company making the lamps, I would say "investing" in those companies would pay off because allot of unsuspecting owners are going to be buying some lamps over the next few years.

Can you say CASH COW?

That's what these sets are going to be CASH COW's to the companies mfg'ing the lamps.

So far as you comment about Mr Bong being a piece of work, you need to look in the mirror dude.

BTW: as a suggestion how about PM'ing people instead of posting so you don't clutter up the thread next time.

Mr Bong does make some good points about the weaknesss of these sets, Weaknesss the guys down at Best Buy, Circuit City, etc, etc for the most part AREN'T going to TELL the potential buyers about since they are SELLING the sets and the extended warranties.

look in the mirror
Unregistered guest

When these sets starting coming with a 3 or 5 year warranty to can call this technology "safe and reliable enough to invest in it."

Warranties are all a numbers game. The better the product , the longer the warranty.

Selling crap?... well you slap a 90 day to 1 year warranty on it.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
You're cute, Mr. Bong. I like how you post under different aliases to make it seem like others out there support your views. You are totally bonkers!!

"Im hoping those who have not jumped in with blind faith will read these posts and wait it out"
THERE IS NOTHING TO WAIT OUT EXCEPT FOR PRICES TO DROP MORE. Overall, the technology is reliable; just certain models like the PT50LC13 that are defective.

"When these sets starting coming with a 3 or 5 year warranty to can call this technology "safe and reliable enough to invest in it."

What are you smoking, Mr. Bong? Sounds like you're advocating that people shouldn't buy television sets until they have a manufacturers warranty of 3-5 years. I don't know of an appliance or electrical device that costs $3-4K, that comes with a basic warranty of 3-5 years. Can you name one?

The thing consumers need to know is to avoid HDTV sets that use replacement lamps. Not just Panasonic, but all brands. I am aware of premature lamp burnout in other brands. It is this very issue, Mr. Bong, where the technology needs improvement. The other thing consumers should be made aware of is that Panasonic provides horrible customer service and that it is almost impossible to get through to them. Panasonic is also disloyal to their customers as they are not offering a long-term fix to the problem. For these reasons, I recommend that people not buy their products.

Mr. Bong, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. In terms of HDTV sets, there are good products on the market. There is also crap. THERE IS NO REASON TO WAIT - EXCEPT IF YOU ARE BENT ON PURCHASING BULB-BASED TECHNOLOGY, CUZ, CLEARLY THIS TYPE WARRANTS TWEAKING.

Am I getting through to you, Mr. Bong? Now, why don't you submerge your head under water until you pass out.


Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 591
Registered: Jul-05
I have been accused of that many many times before by more knowlegable people then yourself.

I know it is very difficult for a fanatic to believe there may be some who can actually understand and even agree in some ways with my viewpoint. But I assure you I have no need nor the inclination to post under any name but my own.

I do not, nor do I seek allies. This is not a fight to win or lose. This is only one person offering an alternate opinion and putting the technology under a magnifying glass for those unlike yourself who would like to read opinion reflecting both sides of the fence. No matter how it is offered up.

I do not seek credibility. I could care less about who believes me or not. I am just putting my opinion out there like yourself. Its you guys who are putting up the "fight" in your zealotry to silence alternative opinion and render it moot.

If they cannot do it with words of wisdom, they finally resoprt to ridicule and insult. You are not the first to raise the sword of precious defense and will not be the last.

I thought you were not going to waste your time on me? That would have been the best thing you know if you really did want to cut my words down to dull roar.


Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
"Don't fret there are plenty more DLP TVs you can choose from to replace your new dead Panasonic DLP."

Panasonic DLP (LOL!!!!) Those are your words, Mr. Bong, and they sum it up best. This goes to the very heart of the Bong problem - You don't understand the issue at hand and you speak with zero credibility. Nobody is gonna listen to a shmuck who isn't credible. So, think what you want. Say what you want. After all, it's a free country and there is freedom of speech. But do realize that you are making an a-- out of yourself.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
"I thought you were not going to waste your time on me?"

You are correct on this count, Mr. Bong. I did indicate early on that I wasn't going to play your game and continue giving you the attention you so desparately crave. The answer is that I simply couldn't resist. I wanted to figure out what made you tick. I wanted you to provide me with specifics - to backup your argument. I was unsuccessful in accomplishing both.

After a day of swapping posts with you, I still do not know where you are coming from and why you hang out on this forum. Whatever. I tried.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 596
Registered: Jul-05
Sorry I could not accomodate your need ti "understand" me. Yet you feel inclined to practice without a license and analyze me. You say I need attention. Thats why Im here. Then you say you are tryiing to figure out what makes me tick?

Your agonizing over my simple opinons seems a bit much to me. Again I know you are frustrated after a long day of writing. But its really simple. Others who you claim are actually me (further complicating your dilema) have no problem understanding. Sleep well,

look in the mirror
Unregistered guest

I am not Bong, I am just someone who sees merit in what he has been saying.
So far as "zero credibility", well the same could be said for you.

How about you guys PM each other back and forth, and get this thread back on subject.

Better yet, why don't you spend some time and write the mfg's of the sets that ARE having lamp issues.

See if they think these "sets" are reliable enough to extend the warranty out to say 3, or better yet 5 years.

For example a lamp rated at 6,000 hours should last about 3 years, running it 40 hours a week x 50 weeks.

Strange that the warranty is only a year... On items which are so "reliable", eh?

Bronze Member
Username: Helpful_smurf

Post Number: 91
Registered: Jun-05
I'm not sure what that is supposed to prove, take a look at the warrantees on regular old tube sets. That's right, one year parts and labor. Why don't you ask the same question about them?

Fact of the matter is Samsung actually gives a LONGER manufacturer's warrantee on their DLP than Sony or Sharp do on their old tech standard definition tube televisions. 15 months versus 12 months. All a person needs to do is register their product and the warrantee is automatically extended. Tube TVs have been around since the 50s now, why not ask why they haven't extended their warrantees? And these are sets that do not include any consumables like bulbs at all.


Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
Mr. LIM:

If you are not Bong, you must be his mentally challenged brother. Look, I am in AGREEMENT with you that the lamp warranties are not as long as they should be. Duh!

I advocate that consumers hold off on buying sets that require replacement lamps as this type of technology clearly has issues and the cost of replacement bulbs is beyond absurd. I suspect we are in agreement on this count, correct?

I advocate that consumers not buy Panasonic products because if an issue develops and you need customer support, you are not likely to get it and it may result in a heart attack or nervous breakdown in the process of waiting literally hours on the phone trying to reach a real human being who will help you. Would you agree?

I strongly feel that Panasonic needs to correct/fix OBVIOUS DEFECTS in certain models that use the TY-LA1000 lamp and/or ballast. Surely, you would have to agree, based on what has been reported on this forum and the on-line lamp petition.

That is all I am trying to get across. The points I made are relevant to this forum. All this other BS that has been said, is NOT within the SCOPE.



Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 601
Registered: Jul-05

Uh Excuse me? I don't see the connection.....IO believe telling peoppe NOT to rush into this technology and byt EWs is well within the scope of this forum. My voice may be louder becasue I have more time and resolve to voice it. But it certainly rerences to the forum subject...albeit not a popular opinion,

look in the mirror
Unregistered guest
Andrew , Helpful Smurf.

Whatever, a year warranty is a joke.

To both of you, How about you guys PM each other back and forth with your personal opinions, and get this thread back on subject.

Better yet spend the time contacting the mfg's to get them to extend the warranties to better reflect the "true" MTBF rates.

We should ALL ban together, owners of the various sets demanding such.

If for example a lamp is rated for 6,000 hours, that is about 3 years, running the set 40 hours a week.

If it was me, I'd either do that, or make the lamps about $40. I've already had to replace a lamp. Not to happy about that.

Look in the Mirror
Unregistered guest

Sounds like you know alot about that


No wonder you're not a happy guy.

Silver Member
Username: Tombo777

Post Number: 608
Registered: Jul-05
Uh Excuse me? I don't see the connection.....I do believe telling people NOT to rush into this technology and buy EWs is well within the scope of this forum. My voice may be louder because I have more time and resolve to voice it. But it certainly references to the forum subject...albeit not a popular opinion,

Too many typos...even I had to correct thos one.

Owners banning together? Not in your life. those who bought in to early are rationalizing IN FAVOR of the makers of those rubbish TVs!!

When the avg Jow starts making noise. Then they will listen. Buut Im imploring any average Joe to steer clear of this technology.There are more viable options and way less expensive options and more and more each day.

Sales of RP projection FP displays will peak this year. Watch and learn.

Andrew Lawrence
Unregistered guest
"Sales of RP projection FP displays will peak this year. Watch and learn."

Not within the scope. Might as well be preaching to us about intellectual design.


Look in the mirror and you will see me. Sounds like we are on the same page. BTW, I am a happy guy. The bit on erectile dysfunction was merely an analogy for Bong's benefit.

Re: Helpful Smurf
Unregistered guest
Quote from Helpful Smurf:
"I'm not sure what that is supposed to prove, take a look at the warrantees on regular old tube sets. That's right, one year parts and labor. Why don't you ask the same question about them? "

Actually, Mitsubishi used to warranty their direct view CRT's for 5 years. It's funny how they don't do that on their DLP's (delirious lousy picture) sets. No faith in this unreliable technology!
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