In Canada,some people are charging around $350 to give you a reciever,a dish and installation. They claim that the client will be subscribing to Dish Network and as long as they keep paying they will continue to get programming. My question is: 1. Will they be using the new card N2? 2. Is getting Dish Network programming in Canada illegal? 3. If I subscribe, will the set-up last? My concerns and questons are not related to FTA, but can somone help? Thanks.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
1. yes new nagra2 card 2. yes..its illegal in Canada 3. nobody knows..depends if they are honest and/or don't get caught..
DISHNET is american. YOU CAN NOT subscribe to DN (because you need an american address to subscribe). You can receive DN free legally in canada because you can't physically pay for the service (it is AMERICAN).A little known fact !!!! So you will be paying this company NOT DN !!!!!
Posted on
I'm pretty uninformed and in Canada. My satellite guy is now selling the "legal new yellow cards" for $350 saying the old Grey market is too expensive., he says the new yellow cards never go down and if they do it's another $350. is this done? Another question...if I have a US post office box and forward the bill to Canada, will I be able to subscribe to DN? Whatq other ID would I need--trying to decide if a trip to the US is worth it.
it is illegal although your money will be going to dish network. For them u r a US address which your dealer should provide. it sis his job not yours you can't get without paying as currently n2 has kicked piracy
Fused Kon
Unregistered guest
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LETS GIVE THIS RIGHT EDGE A LITTLE PUSH ... NOW PUSH!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@ !@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@ !@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@@!@@ !@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!@!@!!@! @@!@!@!@
Kon go to the FTA is back post and get your tv back
Posted on
The uninformed Canadian here again...thanks for the response. So how is he getting wide open all channels for a flat price if $350? I'm guessing it should be about $250 a month if I signed up myself using a US address. I'm willing to pay for it if I can find a way...I lobster hate Canadian television.
Second does one share a subscription...if I got one, how do I share that with a friend across town?