my local Walmart has a Philips 32" flat tv for $380. this seems to be quite lower than all other 32" tvs ive looked at. i will soon be getting a home theater system to go with whatever tv i buy. how is this tv (im not sure which model but i think they only make one). thanks
ok well i must be tv ignorant cuz those are the only brands i have heard of and the only ones stores around here sell. you didnt mention Sanyo, but they are the cheapest so i figure theyre below the ones you wrote. so what makes something like the philips above bad? everyone i know has the above brands and i think they have pretty decent pictures.
wow thats suprising. walmart has a sanyo 32" for 230 dollars, but its not flat. thanks for the help so far, do you know of any 32" tvs worth looking at for under $400. i need something that works well with a home theater system (im sure about all are fine, but just makin sure)