i wanted 2 alpine type rs but when i realized i would have to upgrade the alternator i decided to get 1 alpine type r or get 2 of something else with less rms?
What kind of car do you have? You don't necessarily have to upgrade your alternator unless you are running a lot of power. I found out that a HO alternator for my car would cost $450...which I would never pay.
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i dont want to have to upgrade the alternator ill settle for less power before i do that i will have a 2001 pontiac grand prix.
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I think that you could get buy without buying a new alt.
yes you could, but i was saying that b/c the MAJORITY of car's charging systems are not able to handle a system. you should be fine with your stock alt if you only plan on running a few hundred watts. but you should consider getting a deep cycle battery if you plan on doing anything audio that involves powering subs