Dishnet plastic hack


If the 101 card is hacked why can,t the fta emulate the 101 card and we have hack for fta. I know they talk about the 128 chip not able the run n2 but I have 2300a with 156 chip that can handle n2 is there anyone working on this?

Because it is a card hack. FTA hacks the Nagra stream. To different things.

Most FTA receivers don't even have card slots.

The Nagra2 stream still has not been broken.

Besides there is still no guarantee that the new "hack" will continue to work or if it even works for that matter. And if it does, this is just the first step. It still has to go through a few more stages. So it will still be a while.

And it would only make since that the "hack" would be with DN's own recievers & cards before FTA.

Let's just wait and see what happens.
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