So I recently purchased this tv from a BB here. Hearing all the hype of the new Samsung models, I figured this would be a shoe-in to be a hit.
Needless to say, ever since I've had it home, all I can say is I am very unimpressed with the picture. I am running component cables from a regular dvd player and I don't see what all the fuss is about of people saying dvds look great. The picture is incredibly grainy, and the picture shakes very slightly with certain dvds. The black bars visible during some dvds aren't focussed and move up and down slightly. I've been playing with THX and AVIA calibration tools and I'm still not blown away.
I went into a futureshop the other day and looked at all the tv's lined up. They had the old 5063 model there and to be honest, it was the worst picture of them all. All the others were wickedly clear while the Samsung was out of focus it seemed.
Perhaps people have had similar stories, or contradictory ones. Either way, I can't say I'm happy with my purchase.
I'm not sure why you would see a grainy picture from a digital source.
What DVD player do you have? What other video source do you use?
I'm not sure, but you may have some shipping damage. Something sure isn't right. You should be grinning large.
I just swapped my P5063 for an R5067 and I'm really blown away by HD Discovery and HDNet. The extra contrast made a real difference. Blacks are absolutely solid black and colors are vivid and brilliant. Water looks so wet that I keep a mop handy. I mean it's stunning!
I thought my 63 was excellent, but the "R" is fantastic!
Try another player, or another source. If it is the set, swap it out or call Samsung.
My setup is:
Samsung HL-R5067W Samsung HD841 Upconverting DVD Player Direct TV HD SIR TS360 Receiver Onkyo 602B Home Theater Receiver All video connections are component. Optical audio straight to the SS receiver. No lip sync issue detected, yet.
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I have a philips 942. The one which plays divx. I don't have any other video sources besides my vga pc input. FYI, your comments really make me think though that something isn't right with mine. I've read tons of posts from people saying this tv is amazing. The one thing I want to try is HDTV from a HDMI input but I don't have access to it so that won't work. I'm going to switch it for a new one. Hopefully that does something... Otherwise, I'm a very non-samsung supporter
Careful....I'm extremely disappointed in the HLR5064. I had an LG 61D with the HD2 Chip and it had better user controls and picture. I regret my purchase and will be making a switch. On paper I thought the Samsung would be better than my older HD2. The Contrast was better and brightness was better + the Chip was a 3 rather than a 2....being the simple guy I am I had to assume that those three improvements alone would have given me a better pic...nope..I was wrong.
Amongst other things the Samsung has a discoloration on the screen when turned off. Sammmy address's this issue with their owner manual and say it's normal (don't call) - My last unit didn't do that. Next - when watching something like CNN the Sammy doesn't allow the whole pic to be framed (no zoom 1-2-3) the ticker tape and the bottom of the screen is cut off and if I use my HiDef satellite box to adjust the pic I end up losing whatever is on the top of the screen (can't win). The remote looks like its from the 80's and does the unit a diservice (doesn't belong together)
I don't recommend this unit - I wanted to like it but it just isn't a good unit - the lipstick is nice (stand+floating design) but the pq is not what I think it should be.
Non digital channels are awful and embarrassing to show - the system that Sammy uses to improve analog pq is pretty well non-existent and in my opinion is just a placebo to make you think something is happening - I also had an old projection unit (toshiba) and the analog pic was better on that - there's no way with 2005 technology that analog sigs. should be so bad.
I'd love to hear other opinions on this unit.
Is there such a thing as an HD4 unit and is HD3 (which is 4th generation) what is meant by HD4?
Thanks...want to read replies.
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After just over a week of having this unit, I've decided that I'm not going to keep this unit. Instead, I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board to find a new TV.
Basically, it came down to. Anything non HD looked horrible, and even the HD stuff wasn't that special.
For the price you pay for this, I expect A LOT more.
Unregistered guest
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I'm getting ready to buy my next new TV and I'm considering the HLR5064. After reading the posts here I got a bit scared. I'm going to be watching regular TV as well as run Windows Media Center through the HDMI input.
Any other comments on this unit and possible suggestions for alternative TVs?
Make sure you ask for an analog signal in the store when looking to buy these things. The HD is great but there is not a lot of quality content out there.
Alternative TV would be a direct View CRT until the manufacturers broadcasters and get it together . I agree with the poster who said his old Toshiba RP looks better in SD then the fixed pixel TV. I have an old Toshiba RPCRT and agree. Standard TV looks much better in ITS native format...
Unregistered guest
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Resorting to responding to month old posts. How deep did you dig for that one? I doubt this fellow is still around.