i have homemade subwoofer boxes that i opened up today to find that the outer edge of the cone has came undone from the metel frame or basket i think its called i was wondering if anyone knows how to seal it back down any thing helps thanks
i dont think so because i got it from a friend so i have none of the paperwork or nothing and plus its a decently older model its a older kenwood excelon that have the give db+ on it
yea its the rubber part around the top ring that the screws go through the sealant that hold it to the metal ring has came off somehow i just needed to know what was the best to hold it down because i will prolly get rid of it anyway
use epoxy and sell that b!tch to some punk!! j/k lol
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jensen subs come with the seal sepeperate some times, i have 1 that had come seperate unless it also came off but i figure if u jest put it between the wood and sub and screw it down tightly it will be just fine.