I'm a newbie but want to start on a $200 range of HTIB.
I know that Radio Shack sells the s570 (in different code) for $199. I do want the Onkyo, but just waiting for any possible deal since somebody got it S570 refurbished for $130-150.
In the mean time, today I went to Fry, and I saw the Sony DDW670 for $150. So I grabbed it. Good price I think.
Anyway, could you guys help me decide? Should I keep the $150 Sony DDW670 or go with the $199 Onkyo S570? If the quality is that different then I'll go with the Onkyo. Personally I like Onkyo a little more. But on the other hand, the Sony ddw670 should also be a pretty good one.
One more thing, do you have any suggestions of any not-so-expensive DVD player that could go with home theater? I don't know what's the different of picture and audio quality between $25 Coby and $70 panasonic. All I know is that Coby DVD player will die within a year, but what about quality? Is that different?