I hear a lot of people saying that these subs are good. What's so good about them,just wondering cause I never heard them? I would like a good 15" that gets over 4000watts. Can you list some?
why would you want a 4000 watt sub? are you a serious competitor? do you know what kind of charging stsyem you would need with that kind of power? what amp do you have that puits out 4000 watts? just wanna get a little idea of what your goals are first.
Besides the watts I want my sub to be really loud. Like rollin down the block and everyone can hear you from like a block away. Will this Re MT15 do the job?
Re doesn't give any standard specs on the MT, there's too many different coil configurations. All I know is that it can have a BL of 37-49, which is huge.
Once I buy my first NEW car, I'm definitely gonna be something well insulated already, and I'll still probably rip most of it apart and put a layer or two of edead down. I'm just spending too much money and wasting too much time trying to quiet my tin can down.
Unregistered guest
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For one I have two Audiobahn Immortal 12's. Currently running 2400 watts RMS to each sub. Way under powering. These subs will handle 30,000 watts RMS at a burp. I hit 147.9 on a pressure sensor. And I hit 150 on a capsule mic. I run in the Advance 1-260 class IASCA. I am currently building a box to house these puppies. The box I have now is 2.4 cube per side.
Unregistered guest
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There is no telling how many boxes I will build or how many runs on the rta 190. Also I will also need like 40 batteries to run all that. 2 alternators. To build a SPL car costs around 50,000. Car not included. Research before you speak. If run a 4,00 watt amp on a 65 amp alternator. You won't have a stereo to play. Get one 10 inch sub a 500 watt amp, box it right. Save money BE happy.
Posted on
LOL!!! i HIGHLY doubt those abahns can take 30000 rms...lol...even on a burp i think they would go up in flames...no pun intended...and 150 with 5000 rms is terrible...no offense...but im usin about 1000 and my system hits over 150...lol...yur only givin yur subs 2.4 per side...wow thats pretty small...i give mine like 4 each...