Quick shot your wrong about the galant trunk being made cheaply and being able to hear everything from the outside unless you're talking about the older ones. They come w/ a lot of sound deading stuff from the factory that's why the ride is so quiet and smooth. Mine is fully dynamatted so I don't hear much from the outside. If anything you would hear more bass from the hatch vehicles like eclipse and such.
huh thats weird what subs did you have in the galant and i take it you didn't have any dynamat or anything. All the galants i've heard mine and my moms both have dynamat. I don't like how you can only fold down the little flap on the passenger side. They're pretty good cars for bass inside but from a distance they're not as good as some others unless it was my shitty audiobahn 15's. We'll see how my new 3 jl audio 12w3 v2's sound!
i had some infinity references in the Galant but i sold those...nah i dont have any dynamat but they are pretty good cars...im telling you you hear everything from outside it must be all the dynamat you have..hey at least now you know that it actually does work
my ( 2002 gt )celica is a hatchback and it sucks for subs.. lol
no room and I just got 3 12" kicker solobarics still waiting to be installed somehow once I get a box design to fit them all and still port. * Sigh * lol.
ANybody got any idea about a Seat Leon? I know it's a european car but maybe someone knows it. COz i have the eclipse too and i got too noise inside even if it's full of dynamat and other stuff so im going to sell the eclipse and get another one just for spl...
I drive a 1999 Firebird with six 12's in bandpass...and you can hear me from far, far, far away. fully sound deadened now, but I just roll the windows down, pop off the t-tops, and I'm good to go if I want to be heard.
CRX or Accord. CRX cause it's a hatchback. Accord; cause almost everything sounds great and produces great SPL. Both these vehicles will allow u to use fewer woofers and achieve impressive numbers and allow u to remain in a lower db Drag catagory. But, thats just my opinion.
Heh uhmm...the same speaker, in a bandpass box, and ported box, assuming properly made for the sub, a bandpass box will produce more SPL. BTW, I dont have the audiobahns anymore..just six dual's now.. (Oddly enough, the audiobahns ports were behind the speakers, and teh duals are infront...so it would almost make the two together sound out of phase, lol.)