Reverse Mounting?


Unregistered guest
I have seen in some car installs, the subwoofer will be installs backwards, IE the sub is firing into the box as opposed to out of the box. I read that you need to reverse the polarities to do this though. Is this true?

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 519
Registered: Nov-04
no the sub normal polarity, all that has 2 be done is the box has 2 be sealed off

the reason most peeps dun do it is because of cosmetics

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2987
Registered: Aug-04
Donny, if you don't know what your talking about, please don't post.

Newbie: When you mount a subwoofer in reverse, with the magnet out of the box, it is called inverted mounting. When you invert a sub, you must also reverse the polarity, so the sub still pumps into the box, instead of pulling, which is what it would do if you kept the polarity the same. When you reverse the polarity, you are simply making a 180 degree phase shift.

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 524
Registered: Nov-04
<danny> me...its 2 easy 2 do it like that and in soimen instances it sounds alot better than me i know what im talkin bout cause i witnessed it with 3 different woofers

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2991
Registered: Aug-04
Compluva, Danny, who ever the heck you are, what you posted doesn't even make sense...

The guy simply asked if you needed to reverse the polarity when you invert a sub. You replied: "no the sub normal polarity, no the sub normal polarity, all that has 2 be done is the box has 2 be sealed off "

"no the sub normal polarity" - Wrong, he should reverse the polarity

"all that has 2 be done is the box has 2 be sealed off " - Does that even make sense? Even if the box is sealed, he still has to reverse the polarity.... sealed or ported has nothing to do with it.

"the reason most peeps dun do it is because of cosmetics" - Yes, but there are some slight gains. When you invert the sub, the are space that it would normally take up in the box (speaker displacement) is no longer being occupied, and the box actually acts as if it's slightly larger, which can result in a slightly lower bass response; frequency wise that is.

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 527
Registered: Nov-04
i mean make it airtight like u normaly would and ive ran em regular polarity and reverse polartiy and no change at all
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