by the way, i was going to be using the new 07 cdt components but decided on the morel elate series with supremo tweeter instead for front stage. morel elate midbass for rear stage. dls ultimate iridium 15 subwoofer and tru amps and stinger wiring.
If you want the most processing capability, the Pioneer P9 combo is a great head for the money. Other than that, all of them are great units and will perform very similarly to one another, I'd probably choose the Clarion because of the 96khz K grade DACs, then the Nak or Eclipse. Whatever you like the look/feel of basically.
Unregistered guest
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Im getting a Denon head unit, it sounds real good, just try to listen to all of them see what one u like
Unregistered guest
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Wow, I was just wondering why they those Clarions are being compared with the rest when it is more than twice as expensive? With that said, what would be the best one with a $600 budget (give or take $100).