I looked on ascendant's website and I can't find the specs on any of their subs. I always hear people talking about them but never can find the stats. Could someone show me where to find the specs or tell me what they are? Thanks!
And 1 more completely random question... where would I go about testing the DB's of my system. Is it something you buy or do most audio shops have something or what?
Is there banners for this website down all the major highways in KY? I swear there are more people from KY on here it rediculious. Your best bet to meter your system is ask a local shop if they have the term lab to do it. You can buy DB meters at Radio shack but they only go up to 126 so its pretty pointless to waste the $50 when that really isnt that high. On AA's website there is a link on the first page that says visit AA's old website. click on that and you are all good from there.