Noise Tickets


Silver Member
Username: Dankman

Granger, Indiana United States

Post Number: 130
Registered: Jan-05
Haha i keep getting all these letters in the mail for loud music coming from my vehicle ahha do you guys get these where your from, says if i get one more complaint in the mail it'll start costing me.

Bronze Member
Username: Lowdose

St. Louis, Mo

Post Number: 29
Registered: Apr-05
What the???? Never heard of that before. I have been stopped by the PoPo's once thats it. He gave me a warning only cause I was playing something he liked haha.

Silver Member
Username: Addicted2bass


Post Number: 576
Registered: Nov-04
You serious. I've never heard of anything like that, getting mail about having a system too loud. But atleast you know your :-)

Silver Member
Username: Dankman

Granger, Indiana United States

Post Number: 132
Registered: Jan-05
Yea it made me laugh, must be too loud for the other folks.

Silver Member
Username: Addicted2bass


Post Number: 581
Registered: Nov-04
i dont know why. Bass just calms me down. Sometimes i just put in songs with just beats likes night bass,bass i love you or something But then again the rattling outside the car can get a little annoying. Not to me no, but some people hate it.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7802
Registered: Dec-03
nothing wrong with bass. just keep it in your own car. that's what sound deadening is for. keep the windows closed if ya have to turn up the volume.. that way you don't upset everybody else and give all of the car audio world a bad rep.

Silver Member
Username: Importrapist

Savannah, GA U.S.A

Post Number: 189
Registered: Mar-05
holy $hit, i wish i wouldve gotten a warning. My first time i got cought, it was $250 and a mandatory court appearance. F*ck Georgia!!!

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 2709
Registered: Nov-04
You got ripped off. Did you fight it in court? I mean it's not like the cop carries a meter to measure your sound level.

Silver Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 377
Registered: Feb-05
i thought the law was if it can be heard from 75+feet away, you can get a ticket. i don't see how a ticket for a cop being right next to you can hold up, thats like 10 feet. i'd just turn the sub off and be like, idk what your talking about, tell the cop to pull out a tape and walk away, lol

Silver Member
Username: Importrapist

Savannah, GA U.S.A

Post Number: 191
Registered: Mar-05
Well my court date is May 26th, and i will fight it. And in GA its 100 feet away. And he made me pop my hatchback and looked at all my equipment. So thats how he knew, it was such bull$hit.

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 2716
Registered: Nov-04
Fight it. The cop has no proof. It's his word against yours. A judge can not find you guilty based on that alone. He needs proof.
If I were you, I'd take out the amp and subs before going to court.
The cop won't remember what brand/model you had in the car. So put in a weak amp.

Silver Member
Username: Lbeckner

Tulsa, Ok Usa

Post Number: 346
Registered: Oct-04
You shouldn't of showed him $hit. He had no right to even look in your vehicle. He cant make you open nothing without a warrant. This is not China!! We live in the USA.

Silver Member
Username: Importrapist

Savannah, GA U.S.A

Post Number: 193
Registered: Mar-05
Im not going to even drive my car to court, im taking my bike. ha ha ha gotta be safe.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7813
Registered: Dec-03
get a lawyer.
worth the cost.

Buffer: 0%
Unregistered guest
Pfft.. u guys have it easy.
Where i live (not in the US), cops will just take ur stuff off for no reason other than you "might" break the noise ordinance.. at some point in the future cuz u got the equipment to do it.

ps. dont ask me where. :-)

Silver Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 587
Registered: May-04
in sandusky, ohio the first time the cops get you for a loud system they give you like a $250 ticket and you have to go to court. The second time they catch you they confiscate your sound system and have either you(the owner) take it out or they take it out for a rediculous fee. My cousin is a cop over there and he said he's seen grown men cry when he tells them they just lost their $4000 system. they take everything not jsut subs. Anything after market like dvd players, tv's, subs, amps, head unit, etc. There was a guy who had 9 sound ordinence offenses against him and the judge said he could either spend a month in jail or spend an entire day in a woods listening to classical music. He chose the woods.

Silver Member
Username: Lbeckner

Tulsa, Ok Usa

Post Number: 352
Registered: Oct-04
where at buffer?

I dont see how they can take your gear in US. Its not like its drugs. Id like to see the law that states that having stero equipment is against the law and that they have the right to take it thats bunch BS if you ask me. Tell ya what cop try takin my gear I be goin to jail for assualt lol.

Silver Member
Username: Lbeckner

Tulsa, Ok Usa

Post Number: 355
Registered: Oct-04
yeah, me too anon.

Gold Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 3159
Registered: Dec-04
haha, in ky they dont give a crap, i swera i have heard cops out bump me haha

Silver Member
Username: Dpaw20


Post Number: 170
Registered: Mar-05
lmao, this whole thread is halarious. And ya, in KY they dont care...but down in FL I havent experienced the cops for a system yet. Also, Glass, did you say sound deading decreases the SPL outside of the car? I thought it made inside and outside better?

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 2731
Registered: Nov-04
Anyone that actually takes his stereo system out for the cop is an idiot. That law, if there ever was one, can not hold water in court. I think some a$$ cop made up the story cause he is either jealous or can't afford one.
Anytime a cop wants to confiscate something, they WILL need court order. They can't also make you open up your trunk for no reason.
A car stereo is NOT a weapon nor dangerous drug.
I can understand if you lived in country where any moron with a gun make their own rules.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2156
Registered: Aug-04
I have talked to a couple local cops here in Michigan, and they both said all they can do, here at least, is pull you over and tell you to turn it down. As long as your not seriously disturbing the peace or something, they can't just write you a ticket because your system is too loud. This is in Michigan though, I'm sure it's different in other states.

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 2692
Registered: Dec-04
its the same here in CT but I know in NYC they walk around with meters and anything over 60db's you get a ticket.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7823
Registered: Dec-03
"Glass, did you say sound deading decreases the SPL outside of the car? I thought it made inside and outside better?"

sound is energy. the more energy you can keep inside the car as sound, the less energy you waste outside of the car, or vibrating sheet metal, or lose to heat, etc.
Speakers are only about 5% mechanically efficient anyway which means for every 100 watts of power from an amplifier to a speaker, you get about 5 watts of that back as "sound."
The more you can hear the audio outside of the car, the more energy you're wasting and not getting to hear in the car. This is why the best competition cars are almost silent outside of the car with the windows up, and loud as hell inside the car.

on a side note in addition to this fact, nobody really wants to hear you coming three blocks away anyway. Al it does is make people want to slash your tires in a parking lot.

sound deadening materials are used to increase efficiency of an audio system by reducing energy losses caused by material resonance or vibration, and losses to energy from sound traveling beyond the cabin of the vehicle. The damping materials also lower the resonant frequency of the cabin, which in turn improves sound quality and efficiency as well.

using dynamat won't make a system louder 3 blocks away. If you want that, then buy a pickup and stick the speakers in the bed without a topper on it. that's guaranteed to make people want you dead.

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 239
Registered: Nov-04
lol subfanatic is right me i live in ky, once i heard a cop goin down the road chasin sum dude and when he went by i heard sum good bass comin from it

Silver Member
Username: Dpaw20


Post Number: 171
Registered: Mar-05
Well, this may sound stupid Glass, but I want to be heard outside the car, but not vibrate everything on my car. Man, this is hard to explain, I hear cars with windows up and everything, and you hear the boom outside the car, just some "booming". Not the song or anything, and not annoying anyone, but it makes you look, you know? Of course I want it to sound good inside the car, but I want to be "one of those cars."

Also, since I have a Grand Cherokee, isnt the inside noise to outside noise ratio rather large? Isnt the inside going to be way louder than say if the subs were in a comaro? Ive just heard of people saying Jeeps can get really loud.

Gold Member
Username: Taylor17

Kopperl, Texas

Post Number: 1628
Registered: Jan-05
Lol, thats what all of you get for liveing in the city.:-) I live out in the back woods inTexas... the nearest person lives like a good 500 yard's... maybe more.
As for the cop taking a system... I thought that was called theft! Putting my windows down makes my system a good 5 db's louder, it completely sounds like crap with the windows up. This is in a chevy extended cab 1500, someone said that it had to do with cabben gain or something. With the windows up, you can't hear a thing, but when the windows go down, all you hear is the boom, boom from my system. So, do you think soundedner will help with the sound when the windows are up?

Bronze Member
Username: Balls573

Winona, Missouri U.S

Post Number: 29
Registered: Mar-05
I live in Missouri and the cops are just fn stupid. I watched a guy leave about a 20 ft. black mark right in front of the cop and the cop just waved and kept driving then the next day my fried got a excessive noise ticket for his subs. He needs to get his priorities straight that is bullcrap when you can speed burn off your tires and smoke pot in the middle of town and get away with it but as soon as you turn up your system you get a ticket. He told my friend to tell all of his friends to turn there systems down too because he was gonna start giving tickets if he could hear it over 15 ft. away whether you had a big system or not even if it was stock. He will have to show me an ordinance because i think they can only give you a ticket if it is after 10 or you get complaints called on you.

New member
Username: Djet

Melbourne, Florida US of A

Post Number: 4
Registered: May-05
my boy has 4 memphis m3 12s in his 03 nissan frontier. got a bass ticket a week ago for 80 bucks lol.
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