when i play a cd in the head unit...its like all the power is gone, the sound is so light..high pitched, no bass. but when i here radio everything is fine just like stock deck
Do you have a sub set up in your system? Because you might have wired the remote turn on from the amp to the antenna turn on lead from the headunit, which is causing the sub to turn off when you switch from the radio.
Make sure you have the remote wire hooked up to the blue wire w/white stripe on the headunit, NOT the solid blue one.
alex.w *//
Unregistered guest
Posted on
i dont have subs yet..just the deck right now..im pretty sure i left the remote wire untouched because there is no need..i just hooked the antenna wire with the atenna wire from the harness, and for some strange reason i have no radio anymore...all the stations are fuzzy