No, don't hook the ground to your battery. You want the ground as short as possible, and to the best spot possible. You'll need a good metal ground, with any paint removed, and cleaned.
This happened with me too. Is your amp for your subs turning off when you switch to CD? If so, then you have the wrong blue wire (might be different for your car) wired to your amp. You need to connect the remote for that amp and any other amps to the wire givin with your (im assuming) after market radio. If not, then I guess new HU lol.
Yeah, that could be it too. You could have the power antenna wire connected to your amp instead of the remote wire. When you switch to the cd, your headunit think's it's sending a signal to your power antenna to retract, but instead it's hooked up to your amp.
yeah i try that i put a different cd player and the same thing happened. were would i get a new wire at. i bought a new wiring kit and re-wired everything.
just to add onto what glass. had said, the REM ON wire on the back of your headunit should be either a solid blue wire or a blue wire with a tiny white strip, i've seen both...thats what wire you're gonna need...
it dosent matter what wire u use, u could use a coathanger wraped in electrical tape for that mater lol. it sounds like ur head unit is f'ed to hell or it could just be ur rca jack on the back of the hu i had that problem also, but $9.50 later it was fixed try useing a level adapter. i know people dont think to highly of them but what they dont know wont hurt ;) . u can get them from radio shack.
it dosent matter what wire u use, u could use a coathanger wraped in electrical tape for that mater lol. it sounds like ur head unit is f'ed to hell or it could just be ur rca jack on the back of the hu i had that problem also, but $9.50 later it was fixed try useing a level adapter. i know people dont think to highly of them but what they dont know wont hurt ;) . u can get them from radio shack.
Lol. Knox, honestly man. It does matter what wire you use.
The REMOTE wire on the cd players sends a 12 volt signal when the headunit its self is on, and it doesn't matter what your doing with the headunit, as long as it's on.
The POWER ANTENNA wire sends a signal when you turn the headunit on, with the radio. Think about it, it's meant for a power antenna. When you switch and start playing cd's, do you need your antenna sticking out anymore? No. So when he was switching to cd from the radio, the headunit just thought it was connected to a power antenna and turned the amp off.