let me know how long it takes to get them.i ordered an se12 about 5 weeks ago.i recieved an se10 in about 15 days,sent it back immediately,and now im waiting for the12. but re says it should be here begining of next week...........thank god!
hey yall i was wondering how i should break in this new SX when it gets here. what ohm load rms and gain setting should i use. i think ill be breakin it in on an ORION BLACK XTR 1000 class d mono block amp but when i get my amp ill be using a JBL 1200.1 hopefully. i was just wondering how long i should break it in and stuff like that. thanks.
why wouldnt you keep the orion on it??? also just wondering.....a buddy of mine has a 15" RE SX...its been used for about 2 monbths with about 1000 watts. is $175 too much?
nope thats a killer price i wish i could have paid that for my 12 but about the orion, the orion isnt my amp, its my buddies, im gettin a JBL bp 1200.1 it just aint gonna be here when my sub gets here.
who me? or marshall? my sub hasnt got to my house yet, maybe wed. its tues right now but iono. im pretty sure marshall is hitting in the 143-145 range, at least thats wut he hit at a comp down here.
well looks like i might be gettin an orion like my buddy or a hifonics. Is hifonics any good? do they put out their rated power? i found some on ebay for prices that i could handle. the orion is 280 shipped and its 1000rms the Hifonics are 1200 and 1500 for like 200-215 without shippin included. prolly like 240 with shippin. Which would yall recommend?