i tihnk they are about the same in sq and spl. I personally like the idmax's over the w6's because they are overpriced, and the idmax's sound so good. I tihnk the idmax is more power hungry, and i think the idmax would have higher spl
These are both great subs you cant go wrong with either one.They are in different classes. I am assuming you are talking about the w6v2 not the origanal w6 so that is what i am gonna go on. The w6v2 handles 400 watts rms while the ID max handles 1000. The price between the two is very similar. The ID max is a sub when put in a sealed small enclosure will give you incredible SQ with decent SPl but when in a ported tuned low enclosure will give some authorative SPL with incredible SQ. Now te W6v2 is geared toward SQL, I know there was an article in car stereo review or some magazine like that but I have a feeling JL threw up some serious coin to get that review. I am a big fan of the w6 it sounds great and gets loud also but I dont know about the best sounding woofer in production. The ID max in my opinion had it all over the w6v2 with similar SPL.
Power hungry, both are very efficient for the power given.
SPL, the ID Max takes the cake. Works better in SPL type enclosures, has a stronger motor, more surface area, and more excursion when excursion matters. Also handles more power.
SQ of both is top notch and totally subjective. I prefer the ID Max, but many will testament to the SQ of the W6v2 as it is great.
i am referring to the ID MAX, as I have never heard it and dont have a place to, however have great things about it and am trying to find out as much as I can about it
Pretty similar in that respect too, actually. 12" subs work well around 1.25-1.5 cu ft sealed, ID Max 10 needs a little bigger enclosure than the 10W6v2.
also, just so you know i specifically went out to look at dynaudio on your suggestion of a post to someone else and I was amazed by them. They are definately on the list of things to buy.
He probably figured his JL 1000/1 would sound better at 4 ohms than at 2. Not knowing the "acoustic" differences between the two thats why I'd choose the D2 with that setup.
I had originally planned to get an AB amp (Zapco Reference 1100.1, 800W RMS @ 4 ohm mono) when I ordered the sub, but I got the JL from the shop I was at for free. Anyway, it is best to run a higher impedance on amplifiers due to the increased damping, S/N, lower THD, and also a less strained power supply for more headroom.