I have read that the Samsung DLP's suffer from a one second lag when a Playstion 2 or Xbox game are played on them. Do the Mitsubishi WD models suffer from this lag also?
Unregistered guest
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 04:58pm:
Get the component cables and enable progressive scan mode. The delay will be gone. The same thing happened to me before I got them.
Louis Cyphre
Unregistered guest
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By component cables, do you mean the White/Yellow/Red ones or the Purple/Green/Blue ones?
Unregistered guest
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The white, red, and yellow are called composite cables consisting of a left (W) and right (R) audio along with a single video. (Y) This is not to be confused with component video cables in which all three are going to carry video signals regardless of what color (brand) they are. These will be connected to the Y, Pr, Pb input on the set. Purple/Green/Blue sounds right, though.