Can someone who has tried out prologic 2 on CD's and MP3 please tell me if its worth the upgrade. Basically, is it better than stereo sound. Is it really what dolby claims it to be? Are there any editorial reviews on this technology and how it works with mp3's and cd's on the net? If there are please post a link. I have not been able to locate even one objective review through google. All I get are the biased links to the dolby site.
For CDs and MP3s (presumably stereo only) it's probably not worth it--those sources sound best in stereo. Sure, ProLogic 2 processing will certainly work, but the result will be more gimmicky than anything.
For movies and TV, it's an entirely different matter. PLII is absolutely worth it. For non-Dolby Digital sources, PLII does an excellent job.
Heres my "attempt" to answer your question regarding Pro Logic 2 ... You asked the question; "Is it worth the upgrade..." In my opinion; I would say yes to your question. Absolutely ! However; listen very carefully to what i'm about to say. Because it just may save you a bit of confusion and a self-induced disappointment... First off; keep in mind (regardless) of what some may wrongfully believe...
Surround sound (regarding movie theaters) initially was nothing more than very basic 2 channel stereo... (I'll be considerate and spare you a moutain of needless details, and try not to turn this into history lesson...) The 2 channel stereo in theaters "evolve" if-you-will; into what was basically more or less. Dolby Stereo. Which was a slight improvement over regular 2 channel stereo. Contrary to what many believe and assume. Dolby Stereo and Dolby Prologic are NOT one in the same !
Initially; Dolby Stereo was an "attempt" at delivering "better" sound quality with more realism to the movie going experience... It was an "improvement" over regular 2 channel stereo listening. Considering that the engineering of DS (Dolby Stereo) was an "attempt" to "mix" in criticle detail that plain-Jane 2 channel stereo simply couldn't deliver on its own... So in essence; DS was the first real shot at theater surround sound... However; its abilities in terms of "true" surround sound . As opposed to a "simulated" surround sound were quite limited.
Many people wrongfully mistake Dolby Stereo, for its (believe it or not), superior replacement. Which was; Dolby Pro Logic... DPL was able to pull off what DS (Dolby Stereo) couldn't ! At the time, it offered a total of at least 5 speakers, with 4 channels of sound ... Left front, center (front), right front + r & l rears/effects channels. The 3 front channels each had its own supposedly "discrete" signal as well as amplification... These 3 also produced a "full" bandwidth range of sound. Or what some call; "stereo" sound. Which is from 20 hz to 20,000 hz...
While the rear/effects channels were often, (regardless of what many manufacturers stated). Wired directly into eachother (series). Often had "limited" power when compared to the 3 DISCRETE front channels. (regardless of so-called, "equal power" B/S) . And not only that; they were fed the EXACT SAME ESIGNALS !!! And to make matters even worse; they had a very limited badwidth... Which ment, (mono) sound as opposed to full band width and DISCRETE true stereo sound... So essentially what you had was a mixture of a full range discrete stereo front sound stage, along with a limited bandwidth, single signal, limited power rear/effects sound stage...
This was the first "true" surrond processing. Though the term for this processing in the home or, HT (home theater) was labled; Pro Logic... It was vastly superior in the sense of movie going. Than what simple 2 channel stereo or even Dolby Stereo could have ever delivered... It offered good (I wouldn"t say great), stereo imaging. Across the front anyway. Good channel seperation of discrete signals. (Again, across the front 3 spkrs). Which reduced the "coloring" of the sound field.
It offered channel/signal "steering" , which GREATLY added to the realism of the movie experience in theaters as well as the home. Sound steering if-you-will... Is basically what the surround processor did. Processing certain signals/sound, and directed them to their apropriate output/speaker in relationship to what was taking place on the screen... This worked exceptionally well for the full-range front 3 speakers... While the rear/effects channels were ment to add dept, and compliment/supplement the front... But due to their "limitations"; the sound field was often "colored" and lacked true steering/paning as both speakers were fed the exact same signal.
And producing a "mono" sound along with limited power didn't help the case. And as amplifiers, receivers and speakers became more efficient and "revealing". The limitations of Dolby Pro Logic, became more and more apparent. This is where AC-3, known today as; Dolby Digital steps in... Dolby Digital is built upon Dolby Prologic as its foundation... DD did away with ALL of DPL's short-comings, to put it simply...
Offering at least 5 full-range (20 to 20,000hz), true DISCRETE surround sound ! With lower THD, TRUE EQUAL POWER INTO ALL CHANNELS, lower signal loss along with superior steering and imaging... A NOTICEABLE improvement over DPL that few will argue... But even the mighty DD has its short comings... And that is; you can only enjoy 5.1 DISCRETE surround sound providing that you'r source material is being fed via a "bit steam". As well as being encoded for 5.1 discrete which only comes in 2 forms . DD (Dolby Digital) or; DTs (Digital Theater Systems).
Out-side of this , NOTHING that you listen to apart from this, has the capability of "up-converting" to, 5.1 sound ! NO MATTER WHAT THE HELL YOU DO !!! This is where Dolby Pro Logic 2 as well as DTs's Neo:6 steps in... Along with Lexicons/Harmon Intenationals very nice, Logic 7 processing... With either of these, you're given the ability of listening to virtually anything in 5.1 or even 6.1 surround sound !!! Even if the material itsself isn't encoded with Dolby Stereo, Pro Logic, DD or Dts !!! Think of it as; (forced 5/1). Or, forced 5.1 surround sound...
Imagining listening to whatever the hell you choose in 5.1 or even 6.1 surround sound. EVEN WHEN THE SOURCE MATERIAL HASNT BEEN ENCODED FOR IT !!! This is a feat that neither Dts or DD can pull off... DPL2, as well as Dts's Neo:6, pull this off amazingly well. DPL2 behaves a lot more like DD than DPL... The same can be said for Dts's Neo:6; which goes one step further. It offers as many as 6.1 discrete channels... Both of which deliver sound quality that runs like a Z06 corvette, hot on the heals of a Dolby Digital Porche !
At best, by comparison... Dolby Prologic would be an SS Camero... While even today; DPL is still nice to listen to. For anyone to assume that the differences between DPL & DPL2 is "minor" or irrelevant. Would be a MISTAKE to say the very least ! Do your own blind test and listen to something in DPL. Then listen to the same material in DPL2... If you're looking for a night and day difference between the two. You're not going to be impressed. THEY DO SOUND "SIMILAR"; but NOT the same !!!
But the real gem in DPL2 and Dts's Neo:6 is the sheer ability to listen to almost anything in 5 or even 6.1 sound. Without the material being encoded for it. Without using a "bit stream"... Any anolog source with basic/simple stereo sound output in full blown multi-channel sound. Essentially; what DPL2, Dts's Neo:6 & Lexicons Logic 7 have done. Is leveling the playing field for EVERYBODY !!! So until someone developes something revolutionary in surround sound technology. These 3 developers have brought 5.1 & 6.1 sound to anyone who has as little as $200 bucks ! Delivering damn near Dolby Digital & Dts 5.1 performance. Without either of the two's initial HEFTY price-tags...
Pro Logic is still nice... But Pro Logic can only deliver at best; 4 channels of sound... (Some like to call DPL 4.1 sound) But technically its only 4 channels, regardless of being able to utilize an active sub... The sub-out on a DPL receiver doesnt function exactly the same as the dedicated LFE out put does in 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1 ... At best, its only 4 channels. And to be honest; considering its limitations (partial/ limited bandwith)... It should be called 3.5 instead of 4 channel surround...
You can have a lot of fun with DPL2 & Dts's Neo:6 ... Dont delude and cheat yourself by limiting their worth . With DD, Dts, Neo:6, & DPL2 (THX processing if you want it; though it isnt necessary) . You'll be set and satisfied I figure at least for a solid 5 years. Easy !!! It will simply boil down to which receiver/manufacturer you like best... It will take at least 5 years to develope something totally revolutionary at this point, in surround technology. And mass-market it !
DPL2 is worth the upgrade. I'm not trying to "overate" it. But i'm not going to underate it either... Note: You don't have to go and purchase the most expensive receiver that money can buy ! You'd be amazed at the performance that can be had for anywhere from $400.00 to about $800.00 ! Theres quite a few units out there within this price range that will perform like you wouldn't believe !!!
H/K Harmon/Kardon, Yamaha, Deon, Onkyo just to name a few...
David Myron
Posted on
thanks for your message Nino B. I read everything you wrote and appreciate your feedback. Two questions- if you just listen to cd's and mp3's which were encoded and made for stereo will prologic 2 make the stereo sound a lot better? basically, should one upgrade to prologic 2 if all you do is listen to mp3's and cd's. Second question- do you know of any links to some objective reviews about prologic 2 and how it works on cds and mp3s on the net. Please let me know... cheers,
Gregory Osmond
Posted on
I would say that Pro Logic 2 is worth it for simply music. I recently purchased the Logitech z680 speakers that has DPL2 effects and it works extremely well. DPL2 fills your room with music, emanating from every corner.
So would you say that Dolby Prologic 2x (brand new for 6.1 and 7.1) is worth upgrading for? (assuming I have a 6.1 speaker setup and a receiver with NEO:6, and DPL2 already).