Hi, i have been looking into an re X.X.X for a while now and i am ready to purchase one 15. i was wondering if i shoudl get the dual 2 ohm that comes standard, or request a quad 2 ohm or a dual 1 ohm. I will be powering the sub with a jbl bp 200.1 or a hifonics brutus. What would you prefer for the sub and which amp would you prefer? thanks for your help.. Robbie Brown
thanks for your help. I believe glasswolf said that while back, but i was just going to check and make sure before i bought it. anyone else have an opinion?
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Get the dual 1 ohm and wire it to a 2 ohm load and power it with an MTX 1501D. STAY AWAY FROM HIFONICS. Those amps are cheaper for a reason...