Car amps in dorm room?


Unregistered guest
I am currently in college and have bass wars with people down the hall. I want to hook up my 2 12" subs and amp to my recever and stereo. is there a way to use a power converter to the amp and if so how do you deal with the remote problem. If you can help please im me on aol : supersmith999999 thanks it would help me alot.

n9ne 0ne six
Unregistered guest
i took the amplifier off my powered sub and wiered it to my car sub and it has stupid slap. and i have had it for about 3 months now and its not a fire hazord

Unregistered guest
Buy a powmax deamon power supply (580w) it can be used as a low power ac to dc converter or just go buy a pyramid ac to dc converter both ways will run the amp effectively and both are very cheap or just quit trying to rig it and go buy a home theater amp thats stable at low resitance.
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