yea,i have 2 10 inch Pioneer TS-W255C sub woofers set up with PowerAcoustik OV2-1200 Gothic Series 2-Channel Amplifier and it was fine for like a day but then we were rideing around the amp started turning off and on,at first i thought it was over heating so we turned off the amp and put the seat down so the air can hit it and cool it down and we turned it back on about 2 hour later i touched it b4 i turned it on and it wasent hot so we turn it on and it was hitting then about 5 secounds later it started doing it agian so i thought it was the amp messing up so we put a lil weak amp on it to see if it would work and it was doing the same thing...does neone know why its doing this?(i have the subs brigded on mono)
I'm pretty sure I know why this's happening. The amp is 2ohm stereo stable, so that makes it 4ohm stable in bridged mono. If those subs are SVC, you're getting a 2ohm mono load, amp can't take it. If they're DVC and paralleled, you're getting a 1ohm mono load, even worse. So just unbridge the amp and run it in stereo. Would work fine like that and deliver what the subs need. Let me know if that works.
Funny that it happened to you. I had the OV2-1600 for my 4ohm DVC subs and I was running it at 1ohm for a year and a half and now my friend has it for his 2 RF's and it works brilliantly for him, since they need less power. Extremely reliable, but very underpowered.
well i guess ill have to get a new amp cuz i had em un brigded and they sounded like crap they wenrt hitting were i need it to be,neone have suggestions for an amp i can run briged mono?