Oh my god, I was cleaning my room when I saw this Tis is probably the worse thing that could ever happen to me this year!! This is what I get for not putting the protectors on my speakers! Theses speakers are only 3 months old! Damn I can't believe it again
That is awful! Now, why don't you have the grills on these?
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
If this is the worst thing that could happen and we still have 358 days left in the year, you should be happy. At least you weren't taking a vacation in Sri Lanka over the Christmas holidays. Please, get a grip.
A lot of people play their speakers with the grilles off because they sound clearer and more articulate this way most of the time.
Vidz, commiserations - I don't recognise the drive unit, but I hope it doesn't cost too much to replace. Strange bit of damage - it's almost as if something sharpish, like the corner of a hardback, hit the cone quite hard. No accounting for it I guess?
If you can prove that this will present an audible difference in the speaker's sound, I'll buy you a replacement driver.
Till then, I echo the others in saying you should thank God your room wasn't in South Indonesia and quit your whining.
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Here's a suggestion you can try if you would care to look at this event in a more productive fashion.
In many cultures and philosophies there can be nothing made by the hands of man that is perfect. Perfection is not in the human realm, but, is only possible on a higher plane. When creating their craft or art pieces, these cultures will cast an imperfection in the product to show humility to that superior nature. American quilters, as an example, will place one piece that is dissimilar from the rest to allow for the imperfection. Depending on the culture the imperfection allows the bad spirits to either enter and be entrapped or to escape from the work. You now have placed your philosphical imperfection in your speaker. Far from sounding poorly, it should allow a new ability to hear what man is capable of producing.
OK, I admit it's a stretch. But this isn't that big of a deal. If the cone isn't punched through, there's little to be concerned about.
Lol, this really amuses me, ok I can see your point, brand new speakers, you cherish them, but like everyone else says-what sound quality difference is it going to make? You should keep your room tidier!
Berny, sorry, I had a humour short circuit that day I think.
Others, it's possible that more damage has been done to the driver than is apparent. If the object that hit it was fairly weighty, such as a hardback novel, then it could have damaged the suspension in the drive unit. The way to test this is to open your hand and with the tips of your fingers, push the drive unit and let it return. The movement shuld be completely free. If there is a feeling of any kind of friction, or any graunching, then the drive unit has had it and needs to be replaced. If the movement is free then there should be only a slight change in the sound which may not even be noticeable.
I'm not trying to be alarmist, but the damage shouldn't be ignored.
Regards, Frank.
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Frank, I'm not trying to argue, but, I still say if this is the absolute worst thing that could happen ...
Now I DO like view of encapsulating the spirit of music through the uniqueness of customization. If you think it sounds good then it does...! no perhaps that horse has been flogged so hard its beyind food for the maggots by now
To some of you that are saying that I should shut up and look at what's happening to the people in srilanka, india, etc., when I said "biggest nightmare ever", I meant something like : wow this really sucks to have new speakers (Klipsch RF-35) and having something like that happening to them, I know im not living hell like they are right now so dont start saying stuff like I should shut up. I'm pretty sure that if you would have saved a lot of money for some speakers and that something like that would happen, you'd be pissed
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Actually, I'd feel rather stupid. But that's just me. Why did you post this in the first place? Were you looking for information that you didn't ask for, or were you just letting us know this happened?
Mr Vigne may be correct in that you could get hit by a bus this year and that would indeed be worse than having a dented speaker. However, horrible disasters do not preclude you from feeling terrible about the damage to your new speakers. It's like a dent on a new car even though it may not cause any performance problems. While others may make fun of your misfortune I do empathize.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Who really needs to get a grip is J. Vigne. I mean yes, his comments and suggestions are very respected in this forum and well deserved but come on! Can't anyone feel bad about trivial things without being criticized like that! People worry about simple things everyday and they like to share their feelings and emotions with others, it's just a way of life . So, worry about your speaker and I hope you can find a quick fix for it. Just me
A - Why don't we give peace a chance? Let's not take any uncalled for swipes at someone when we're unwilling to put our name out there. Let's not misread what anyone has written to suit our own needs.
Nobody suggested anyone shut up. If this is something that makes you want to cry, so be it. My comment was I would feel stupid if this happened to me. Like I said that's me.
No one likes to see damage done to something, particularly when they have put their energy and time into a project. But, this is fairly small stuff no matter how you look at it. The speaker can be repaired at minimal cost.
If anyone refuses to take an event such as this as anything other than a lesson, they are letting their emotions get ahead of their intellect. You fix it and you move on. You learn not to leave the grills off your speakers when you're not listening to them. Or, you learn not to juggle objects within five feet of your speakers while you are listening to them. One of the two. It's as simple as that. You live and you learn. Often the best teacher is one that costs a little of our own money.
It's too bad this happened, but, I asked why the original post was made. Maybe it's a reaction of youth. The speakers are an item of pride that have now been damaged. I understand that can make some people feel embarrassed because the problem could have been avoided. It's not easy to admit you've made a mistake that you could have easily avoided. But, getting pissed isn't going to get much done to make sure it doesn't happen again. Maybe that is also a youth thing. That's too bad if it is. There are better ways to direct your energy than getting pissed.
What, may I ask, are you pissed at? The speaker? For being in the wrong place? For standing there without a grill? Or, are you pissed at yourself? If you don't know what you're pissed off at, you have a problem.
The comments offered to VGT have all been constructive remarks that were meant to give an opportunity to see the lighter side of the situation. Over the course of four days, VGT has remained pissed and apparently gotten more pissed at those that weren't also pissed. That's a long time to be pissed! That's a lot of negative stuff that didn't need to be there in the first place. Look at the alternative of how VGT could have spent the last four days, and, if you think being pissed for that long is the best solution, I can understand how you could make your thickheaded comment, Anony.
VGT, the damage done is minimal compared to just about anything else that could happen to you the rest of the year. Calm down and learn a lesson here.
Anony, don't make comments about someone's intentions unless you intend to let me know who you are and care to address me as an adult. Please let's get back on our medications.
Hahaha, dude you're so funny, I actualy didnt post during these days because I couldnt be on my computer. I actualy posted this just to show what happened to my speakers and share this with the people on this forum. Obviously, I dont understand why you're putting so much effort into your replies.
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Obviously I don't know why you posted it in the first place.
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
It is good to see you can laugh about this. HaHaHa.
becasue this is an audio forum, I've seen on car forum people posting about similar things that happened on their cars, if you dont see the point, then stop arguing and reading this thread, I just wanted to share with other people that I was pissed and see what other people would think/do if something similar would happen to their brand new speakers
Posted on
You posted to see what others would do? Well, speaking for myself, I'd shut the F- up and stop whining. But that's just me. Car owners obesess about cosmetics, so dings are tragic...but no so tragic that they'd whinge that it was THE BIGGEST NIGHTMARE EVER.
Your problem is that your speaker has a single ding on the bass driver...and you, clearly, have several dings to the logic center of your atrophied grey matter.
Come on, VGT Vidz, admit it, if you could get into the Wayback Machine, you'd hit the "cancel" button on your first post to this thread.
I'm sure the speakers are fine. I hope you enjoy them.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Oh my God ! ....can't you people understand that He was just trying to share some frustration with people he thought they would understand. "Biggest nightmare ever"....was just a way of expressing his emotions, how can you guys take it so seriously !
Thanks ABCDe, that's exactly what I think/thought, I've posted the samething on Klipsch forum and actualy, people answered just the way you did, its frustrating, period, its not my biggest nightmare ever and actualy, its not a nightmare, it was just a way to show how I was pissed...
Posted on
He just wants a shoulder to cry on and an excuse to show off his pretty new woofer on the forum. The right first reply would be:
"Duuuuuuuuude, that speaker is so bad-a$$, I can't believe that happened. But don't worry, you won't be able to hear a difference, and the cost to fix it is minimal."
At the same time I can see J. Vigne's reaction to a post titled "Biggest Nightmare Ever!!!!!," so close to the trajedy in the pacific rim, or in perspective to just about any other event. I can see the point of the post, but the overly dramatic title escapes me.
this happens to klipsch referencs speakers all the time when used without the grills. it will not have any effect on the sound unless it is a realy severe ding.