If it weren't for me you'd have no one to laugh at


New member
Username: Dumbfoundedave

Akron, Ohio USA

Post Number: 4
Registered: Oct-04
Wasn't able to reply to the archived thread so restarted it here instead. "What kind of components did you end up with, or have you gotten any yet? If you got new components, I think you need to let the stuff break in for more time before cranking the volume up too high. Also, make sure the gain is set correctly. As far as the noise, check both the ground wire for the amp and the speaker wiring, make sure nothing is out of place. Also make sure your RCAs are away from the power wire." Jonathan
No, I have yet to get components. More on that later. Now, I'm still researching the brands you reccomended while also looking out for a good deal on any of them. The RCAs are away from the power wire (I watched most of the install and thought it was pretty good from what little I know). My guess is I'm just pushing the speakers near their limit. Otherwise wouldn't I get the sparkler like noise all the time and not just at the high level volume? Anyways time for a new onslaught of questions. From reading most the most on the car audio board I have a good general knowledge of what amps to or not to buy. My only question on that matter is if California amps are any good. Given the prices I've seen them at I'd almost automatically assume not but you don't see a three year warranty for most amps. Secondly, while I have decided that this one sub would be enoguh I'd still like to give it more power, at least to the point of diminishing returns (which would be...?) so i was wondering if I would be able to daisy chain the bridged output of my current 500W @ 4ohm with another AB amp (300-500W)? As far as this goes i don't really need an amp pointed out to me just if it can be done, if you SUGGEST doing it/against doing it, and how much more wattage you'd reccommend. Finally, before I said i though i knew what MB Quart model to go with but now am unsure whether you meant their premium or Q series?

New member
Username: Dumbfoundedave

Akron, Ohio USA

Post Number: 5
Registered: Oct-04
And supposing I really went overboard and got the 8" Dynaudio components would i be able to run them in 2 ohm? I can throw 250 at them in 2 ohm and 375 @ 1 ohm but really would prefer at least 2 ohm for SQ purposes. Prolly a moot question but just wanted to know before I even consider buying them.

Bronze Member
Username: An_eagalach

Annandale, VA US

Post Number: 25
Registered: Aug-04
Well, if you really do get the Dynaudio comps, this guy is selling an Arc Audio 1500D XXK (if it hasn't sold already):


250 watts x 2 @ 4 ohms, 500 watts x 2 @ 2 ohms, 1000 watts x 1 bridged 4 ohms. A sweet, sweet amp for $360. I would have snatched it up myself, but I'm happy for now with my CDT EuroSports and this amp would be on the edge of frying them.
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