Will Jennings has been known as Wiljen the "Audiofool" for years in audio circles. He grew up as a musician and a lover of music. He started out saving his summer job money for concert tickets, and his first 2-channel system. While others were purchasing cars for their 16th birthday, he was buying Denon turntables. Early on in his audio journey he inherited a Dynaco ST-70, and his love of tube amps began. Will has a voracious curiosity and a need to understand what makes things tick; his reviews focus on the technical side of products and how well they perform. When children, a mortgage, and other expenses came along, his focus moved to headphones where he could get great fidelity and still meet his other obligations financially. For the past 6 years, he has been reviewing headphones, amplifiers, and other headphone-related products. Will enjoys live music as much as possible with an intense love of blues-rock, blues, and classical. Will also loves time with family hiking and camping in the woods.
The high-end wireless headphone category has made a lot of progress over the past 24 months; our table at T.H.E. Headphonium offered the opportunity...
Powerful, highly resolving, and one of the most understated looking stacks of high-end headphone gear around. The EarMen Tradutto stack is the real deal.