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Anchor Bay Chips Used in Seven New AVRs and New Blu-ray Player Anchor Bay, a leading supplier of video-processing semiconductors (ASICs) and systems, announced...
Qsonix introduces the Q105, a powerful music management system at a price tag made affordable to more music lovers and collectors–now available directly from...
A leader in soundproofing solutions, Sound Isolation Company is announcing three new distribution locations in San Francisco, New York City and Boston. Sound Isolation...
Connectivity solutions provider Gefen today announced the availability of its new DVI-3500HD. This long-range sender/receiver extension system delivers video in the DVI format with...
Niles Audio Corporation has introduced the custom electronics industry’s first High Fidelity Wideband IR Sensor line. Niles’ new IR Sensors utilize high fidelity wideband...
Americans Want to Go Green — But Not If It Means Being Uncomfortable or Inconvenienced A new national survey released today, one of four...
Although the global recession will prompt a slight decline in USB-enabled device shipments this year, next-generation “SuperSpeed” technology will fuel the market over the...