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Hack #3 from Home Theater Hacks by Brett McLaughlin (O’Reilly Media). The Pitfalls of Chain Stores Although it’s nice to listen to a specific...
From Tribbles to giant space amoebas The trek continues with Star Trek: The Original Series – the second season which was released just recently....
Boldly going … again For Star Trek fans, patience it turns out can definitely be a virtue. The five-year mission of the starship Enterprise...
A recent survey of 10,000 university students by the University of Reading, found that 75% of students download music, rather than buy in stores...
With High-Definition TVs in 20 million U.S. homes, many high-def owners wonder why there are not more HD channels. But many industry officials wonder...
Regular readers of Stereophile should be familiar with the debate over the price of the equipment reviewed by the magazine. While one side threatens...
Hack #70 from iPod & iTunes Hacks by Hadley Stern (O’Reilly Media). Turn iTunes into an Ogg Vorbis–playing application and enjoy the fruits of...