Google Chrome provides air travelers with free Gogo In-flight Internet on AirTran, Delta and Virgin America Flights Today, the Google Chrome browser team announced...
Google launched Google Music, a direct competitor to Apple iTunes and Amazon Cloud Drive/Player, to purchase, download, share and listen to music on PC...
Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs once warned Google co-founder Larry Page that the search giant was dangerously close to becoming another Microsoft — that...
Google today introduced its answer to iTunes and iCloud called Google Play, which will offer cloud-based access to music, movies, eBooks and apps on...
Panasonic today announced LUMIX CLUB, a cloud-based service that is accessible via a smartphone and a computer browser that allows consumers to upload photos...
Almost all home theater systems include the following speakers: Front left and right speakers Center channel speaker Surround speakers Subwoofer These speakers work together...
As the demand for home theaters and surround sound systems touches an all-time high, home ceiling speakers have become a popular home theater choice...
Court ruling holds that VIZIO 'work-around' products do not infringe competitor's patent VIZIO today announced that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal...
Audiovox Corporation announced it has completed the acquisition of Klipsch Group, Inc. and its worldwide subsidiaries ("Klipsch") for a total purchase price of $166...
Sound Level (SPL) Meter ($23) see it Virtually anyone who has just received or is contemplating purchasing a 5.1 surround sound system will...
Update Provides Pandora and Napster Music Services, Improved Playback Stability Yamaha just released firmware updates for selected AV receivers within their RX-V series and...