Home Theater for the Holidays
Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing, ring ting tingle-ing too! And who wouldn’t want to hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing on a new home theater system this holiday season?
Unless you are an expert audiophile, how do you decipher a woofer from a tweeter or sift through all the seemingly same systems on the market? Be honest, most of us who love to project surround sound in our living room don’t know a good system from a great one.
What should you know before you buy? Here’s five tips to save you time, money and disappointment.
Know More Than The Salesman.
How many times have you walked into one of the major electronics retailers and the salesman couldn’t tell you the difference between system A and system B? Do your homework before you go shopping. Google home theater terminology so you know what each component does and whether it’s necessary to your needs.
Know Your Room.
The whole point of a good home theater system is that it caters to your room. Knowing the size and layout of your room will determine what you need acoustically and can save you money in buying only what you really need.
Know The Value of Buying Direct.
It’s simple. Buying direct saves you money. Direct manufacturers cut out the middle man therefore saving money on dispensing their product and bringing it directly to you. Shopping at the last minute? Buying direct may also save you time as the holidays have a way of sneaking up on us.
Test Drive Your New System in Your Own Home.
Lets face it. Most show rooms miss the mark when attempting to resemble your living room. Buy a system from a retailer that allows you to test drive your new home theater system in your own home with a risk-free return policy. And if you are buying online, look for a retailer who waives return shipping charges and restocking fees — they do exist.
Eliminate the Oops Factor.
Before your spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on a new system, recognize that even the best manufacturer has faults or defects. Make sure the system you choose has a solid warranty up to 10 years for repairs or replacement of all parts.