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Best Phono Cartridges: Editors’ Choice 2024

Upgrade the sound of your turntable with our favorite MM and MC phono cartridges you can buy in 2024 without breaking the bank.

Best Phono Cartridges 2024 Editors' Choice

If you are in the market for an affordable audiophile turntable, or replacement cartridge, it’s easy to get lost looking through the hundreds of affordable phono cartridges that are available. Deciding if you want a moving coil or moving magnet (or moving iron if select one from Grado Labs) cartridge is just one part of the decision making process.

Compatibility with the tonearm is also something that you need to pay attention to; just because you want to mount a specific cartridge on your turntable doesn’t mean that you should without checking with the manufacturer or dealer for advice.

Many entry-level turntables come with a pre-installed cartridge from Audio-Technica, Grado Labs, Sumiko, or Ortofon. Aside from confirming the tracking weight and that the anti-skate is properly set, you’re usually only a few minutes from listening to records in this scenario.

But if you’re looking to upgrade what you already own or don’t love the sound from the pre-installed cartridge on your new table, these are very worthy alternatives and excellent value for the money.

But if you want to elevate the level of playback quality from your records, there are a number of options below $800 that extract a lot more information from the grooves and help shape the tonal presentation of the music. 

Your choice of phono pre-amplifier will also impact the overall sound quality in a significant way.

Do not spend more on the cartridge than the table. Even a restored vintage turntable with the right arm will maximize sound quality with even an inexpensive moving magnet cartridge like a Nagaoka MP-110 – versus a $800 Dynavector on an entry-level turntable.

Proper set-up of your cartridge is more important than what you spend. Clean your records and your stylus. Nothing ruins a stylus faster than dirty records.

Best Phono Cartridge Under $250

Nagaoka MP-110 Phono Cartridge

Nagaoka MP-110 ($149)

Japanese manufacturer, Nagaoka, has been manufacturing outstanding moving magnet phono cartridges for almost 70 years. The entry-level MP-110 is an excellent tracker digging into worn out grooves with authority and delivers a very open and detailed sounding presentation across the entire frequency spectrum. The 5mV output is on the high side, but that also makes it compatible with a wide range of phono pre-amplifiers. 

The cartridge is a good match on both entry-level and more expensive turntables and offers a lot of performance in a Rega, Pro-Ject, or SME tonearm for under $150. It may not be as popular as the 2M Red from Ortofon which shows up pre-installed on a lot of entry-level tables, but it offers a smoother ride and with less top end bite.


  • Excellent tracker
  • Very detailed and open presentation
  • Entry-level price for one of the best below $250
  • Smoother sounding than Ortofon 2M Red


  • Will make you want to try the more expensive Nagaoka MMs leaving you with less money to spend on records
  • Revealing nature highlights every imperfection or scratch
  • Could be slightly warmer sounding

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Where to buy:

Best Phono Cartridge Under $300

Goldring E4 Phono Cartridge Front Underside

Goldring E4 ($299)

Some cartridges fly under the radar because the brand doesn’t get them into the hands of enough members of the press or because the price doesn’t create enough buzz in comparison to rivals. Goldring have been in business almost as long as Danish rival, Ortofon, and that puts them in rather elite company.

The Goldring E Series are natural rivals to anything Audio-Technica and Ortofon have to offer below $300 and the E4 might best them all. I’ve been listening for the past month (the E4 replaced both the Ortofon 2M Red and Golding E3 on my NAD table) and it’s not even close.

The Goldring E4 is designed to be compatible with all medium-to-high-mass tonearms of the type found on the majority of budget to midrange turntables.

What’s different about the new E4?

The super-elliptical nude diamond stylus features lower effective tip mass, and improved rigidity, which should result in better high frequency detail retrieval than ‘bonded’ elliptical alternatives. 

The E4 features a ‘nude’ super-elliptical stylus of just 7.6 x 18 microns (0.3 x 0.7 mil), which is cut and polished from a single homogeneous piece of diamond.

To complement its low tip-mass stylus, the E4 now features a hollow aluminum cantilever tube. 

The Goldring E4 delivers a more open and neutral sounding presentation with a wider soundstage. It is also easier to sculpt into a very specific type of sound which will appeal to those who use vintage receivers or amplifiers, or entry-level integrated amplifiers below $1,000 than often veer to the darker side. 

Combine all of that with excellent speed, timing, and resolution and you have one of the best sounding entry-level phono cartridges available below $300. Find out more in our Goldring E4 Review.


  • Easy to install
  • Superb value for the money
  • Detail retrieval is excellent
  • Wide soundstage
  • Transparent and very open sounding
  • Highlights the pace and timing of every piece of music
  • Ideal for older vintage amplifiers with a more organic tone


  • Some may find it to be lacking in color
  • Revealing nature will be too much in cooler sounding systems
  • Needs a medium to high mass tonearm

Where to buy:

Best Phono Cartridge Under $400

Denon DL-103 Phono Cartridge

Denon DL-103 ($349) 

Denon introduced the DL-103 in 1962 for professional broadcast use, and it has proven to be of the most popular and reliable phono cartridges of its kind. The low output moving coil design (0.3mV) requires a higher mass tonearm; opening the door to used Fidelity Research, SME, or EMT arms or more expensive modern arms from Kuzma, or Jelco (which recently decided to cease production). Jazz listeners have long prized the DL-103’s tonal balance and open presentation that make both brass instruments and vocals come alive. 

The DL-103 requires at least 60 dB of gain to come alive; sticking a step-up transformer between the affordable DL-103 and the moving magnet input of your phono stage can be a transformative experience when everything is set-up correctly. Third party manufacturers have been offering modified DL-103 variants for the past few years at considerable expense, but our advice would be to stick with the stock model from Denon.


  • One of the most successful MC cartridges of all-time designed for broadcast use
  • Superb value for the money
  • Consistently good with all kinds of music
  • Tonal balance and open presentation make it the best cartridge for jazz
  • Excellent pacing
  • Performance can be taken to another level with a step-up transformer


  • Requires a higher mass tonearm
  • Low output requires 60 dB of gain
  • Needs a better quality table and phono preamp to show off its magic

Where to buy:

Best Phono Cartridges Under $500 (tie)

Hana EL Phono Cartridge

Hana EL ($475)

Hana’s parent company has been an OEM manufacturer for a number of prestigious Japanese phono cartridge brands for years, but the decision to enter the marketplace with their own cartridges under the “Hana” label has been a huge success so far.

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Hana offers three tiers of phono cartridges; creating some welcome competition for Ortofon, Grado, and Audio-Technica, and it is the low-output EL (0.5mV) utilizing an elliptical stylus that shines the brightest with a quality moving coil phono pre-amplifier.

It is also not the hardest cartridge to install and works superbly well on a wide range of tables including a restored Thorens TD-160 Super or TD-125 from Vinyl Nirvana.

An excellent tracker, the EL offers a lush sounding midrange, and slightly rolled-off treble making it an excellent cartridge with a wide range of music and systems. Partnered with a phono pre-amplifier from iFi Audio or Moon by SimAudio, the Hana EL can deliver a lot of performance for only $475.


  • Solid build quality
  • Not difficult to install 
  • Excellent value for the money
  • Works well on higher end turntables 
  • Very good tracker 
  • Lush sounding midrange 


  • Warmer tonal balance requires a more analytical sounding preamplifier or loudspeakers 
  • Treble is slightly rolled-off  
  • Requires a high-end table and phono pre-amplifier to show off its capabilities 

For more information:

Where to buy:

Sumiko Blue Point No. 3 High Output MC Phono Cartridge Front

Sumiko Blue Point No.3 ($499)

Eric Pye did a wonderful job reviewing the Blue Point No. 3 and his observations about its pacing and organic nature piqued my interest. We both share a similar obsession with jazz music and he’s never steered me wrong in regard to great music suggestions.

Eric ran the Sumiko on a vintage Denon DP-1200, whilst I chose to run the Blue Point No. 3 on both Pro-Ject tables and ultimately felt that the more expensive X2 B was a marginally better platform.

The new Blue Point No. 3 cartridges were announced in June 2021, replacing the best-selling Blue Point No. 2, for an affordable ($499.00 each) MC design that produces great detail and stereo separation.

Both cartridges benefit from a new shell design, with a smoothly bevelled front fascia allowing excellent visibility of the stylus tip when mounting.

Pro-Ject offers the Blue Point No. 3 in both high output (2.5mV) and low output (0.5mV) versions.

Superb stereo separation combined with the most natural sounding detail is a huge selling point.

The bass range is tight and quick, but delivered with less impact than its rival from Brooklyn.

With a tonal balance that is somewhere in-between the Goldring and Grado, the Japanese cartridge is likely the best all-around for those looking for detail, texture, pacing, and overall top end performance.

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  • Excellent value for the money
  • Stereo separation is top of the category below $500
  • Bass is tight, quick, and very detailed sounding
  • Easy to install
  • Texture and very resolving
  • Treble is very clean and detailed
  • Superb with jazz and vocals


  • Needs a better quality turntable
  • High output version requires 42 to 45dB of gain
  • Bass could be delivered with greater impact
  • Favors jazz, chamber music, and acoustic over rock and pop

For more information:

Where to buy:

Best Phono Cartridge Under $900

Dynavector 10x5 MK II Phono Cartridge

Dynavector 10×5 Mk2 ($800)

Dynavector has offered this high output moving coil cartridge (2.5mV) for more than 20 years, and while not inexpensive, the 10×5 Mk2 may be the best overall cartridge of its kind with superb tracking, a balanced presentation, and excellent dynamics making it a great choice for jazz listeners. Installation used to be a tad cumbersome, but that issue has been resolved with some minor changes to the headshell.

The 10×5 Mk2 may not be the “best” at anything, but it has earned its reputation as a workhorse cartridge that manages to survive expensive table and tonearm upgrades. Vocals and brass have impressive presence, and there is a synergy between the 10×5 Mk2 and tube phono pre-amplifiers that makes it a final destination for many.


  • Superb tracker
  • Balanced presentation
  • Strong dynamics
  • Presence
  • Works well with a wide range of phono preamplifiers but make sure it has at least 42dB of gain
  • Will last a long time with proper maintenance


  • Expensive
  • Can be somewhat tricky to install
  • It’s not the best on this list at anything but consistently good in all areas
  • Needs in the range of 42 to 45dB of gain to match its 2.5mV output

For more information:

Where to buy:

Best Cartridge Under $1,500

Hana ML Phono Cartridge

Hana ML Series MC ($1,200)

If you pay attention to the high-end phono cartridge market, it is distinctly possible that you may have listened to a number of boutique Japanese MC models over the years and wondered who was really making them. The dirty secret is that Hana’s parent company was likely the OEM manufacturer behind a lot of them.

The resurgence of vinyl was not lost on those behind the scenes and they must have come to the logical conclusion that Ortofon could only make so many cartridges in a year (and that’s a huge number) and that Grado Labs was splitting its efforts between cartridges and headphones, and Audio-Technica was making a killing at the bottom of the market.

Hana was born and its success has been a great development for the industry. Their initial focus on affordable ($450 to $750) high-end MCs helped build the base and they have only recently expanded over the past few years to expensive models that are competitive with anything out there – and that includes some of the best from Dynavector, Ortofon, and Lyra below $3,000. 

The “M” Series are available in MH (high-output, 2mV) whilst the ML is the low-output (0.4mV) version. The hand-assembled M Series uses a nude microline stylus that mimics the form of a cutting stylus and delivers superb tracking and incredible detail retrieval.

The 9.5 gram cartridge is easy to install and one of “those” that actually justifies its $1,200 asking price.

It is on the warmer side without depriving the top end of necessary detail, and full of presence and excellent pacing. If you are looking for a neutral sounding cartridge that will deliver greater accuracy – the Hana ML is probably not for you. If you desire that emotional connection to the music where timbral accuracy and texture lures you in – you will love every record with this cartridge.


  • Build quality 
  • Very engaging and never too lush sounding  
  • Solid dynamics
  • Good tracker 
  • Competitive with MCs that are twice as expensive on a good table 


  • Really needs a good table and tonearm to be worth the expenditure
  • Not exactly affordable
  • Not as neutral sounding as some of its rivals

Where to buy:



  1. Dave E.

    September 20, 2021 at 1:32 pm

    The Dynavector is a good choice for most turntables. I like the Grado “woodie” line better but they really need an arm with a lot of inertia else imperfect records make the arm quiver with audible artifacts. Will likely buy a Hana SH for next cartridge because nude mounted and shibata matters… seen too many solder mounted stylii that just fell out from normal use.

    • Ian White

      September 20, 2021 at 1:40 pm


      I’ve used the Dynavector 10X5 for almost 3 years along with a Denon DL-103 and Hana EL. $750 is my absolute ceiling for cartridges. I really like the Grado Sonata3 but my Thorens tables don’t interact well with it. The platter and cart create a hum that I couldn’t get rid of.

      Hana makes really good carts. Very impressed so far.


  2. Lash

    September 20, 2021 at 1:56 pm

    I wonder if the Hana or Grado would be much of an improvement over my Denon 304…

    • Ian White

      September 20, 2021 at 2:03 pm

      Denon stopped making that excellent cartridge which is a pity. I have the new Denon DL-A110 (just the DL-103 in a fancy titanium removable headshell) which I really like but I’m not sure about its $599 asking price.

      The Hana EL is $475 (unless the price changed) and a new Grado Sonata (Timbre Series) is an excellent cartridge depending on the tonearm.

      I really like the Grado carts but I think you need a neutral phono stage with them. They are not as “warm” sounding as they used to be but they have a definite sonic signature. Still made in that skinny townhouse in Brooklyn.

      Ian White

  3. BobPM

    December 6, 2021 at 2:13 pm

    I’m sure there are a million cartridges left off your list, but I believe the real bargain you missed is the AT-OC9XML. Where else can you get into a MC cartridge with a boron cantilever and microline stylus housed in a milled aluminum body for about $549? Purchased one last month for my SL-1200GR, and it sounds quite amazing.

    • Ian White

      December 6, 2021 at 2:25 pm


      Definitely a great cartridge based on what I’ve heard from others. We’ve been adding based on what we get to listen to.

      I’m currently listening to the next generation Grado and Goldring carts and they’re fantastic for the money. The AT is definitely on our radar.

      Ian White

  4. David Crandon

    January 1, 2022 at 4:37 pm

    Why can’t my Shure V15 Type V MR last forever!? Wah, wah, wah….

    • Ian White

      January 1, 2022 at 9:48 pm


      Jico just introduced a new stylus for it.

      Ian White

  5. Stephen P Fleschler

    February 17, 2022 at 5:15 am

    I would choose the Dynavector first as it will sound great on the most varied LPs. The Denon 103 in a ceramic body is awesome but the standard inexpensive version here is a second choice for vivid presentation. I have a Dynavector 10X2 as a back up cartridge in case of an accident on my main rig (modified SMEIV, modified VPI TNT VI).

    • Ian White

      February 17, 2022 at 11:21 am


      I use a Dynavector 10×5 on my Thorens and Denon DL-A110 (recent anniversary version of the DL-103) on my vintage Yamaha. Both get the job done.


      Ian White

      • Stephen P Fleschler

        August 14, 2023 at 6:57 am

        Ian, great inexpensive choices. After my Benz Ruby3 passed from wear, I replaced it with the Dynavector 20X2L in a $20K analog rig (Zesto Allesso SUT alone is $3600). It makes 90%+ of my 28,500 LPs sound great. Maybe I am missing some resolution, ambiance, etc. that a $4K and up cartridge can provide but three of my friends use the high output version on various VPI tables (sounding great) and one uses a special upgraded and ceramic bodied Denon 103 when he listens to LPs (mostly CDs). I still have the 10X2 as a backup.

  6. Mike Constant

    September 30, 2022 at 1:32 am

    I currently have a Pro-ject Carbon Evo tt with a Sumiko Ranier cart mated to a Denon AVX-2700H receiver. Not overly happy with the sound on my old vinyl. Getting some mixed ideas from Audio Advice. One says to update the stylus to the Moonstone, another says adding a phono pre-amp will give the most noticeable affect, another says upgrade cart to Ortofon 2m Bronze. Thoughts? TIA

    • Ian White

      September 30, 2022 at 10:04 am


      It’s all cumulative. The phono stage in the Denon is the weak link. The 2M Bronze is $400+ upgrade. It’s definitely the best bang for the buck in the 2M range. I’ve used the 2M Black for 4 years and I don’t think it’s twice as good as the Bronze considering the price difference.

      The Sumiko Wellfleet is the same price as the 2M Bronze and just as good.

      An external phono stage will have the biggest impact depending on the rest of the system. It will impact the tonal balance and dynamics for sure.

      Ian White

  7. Andres Hermosilla

    March 9, 2023 at 8:42 pm

    What do you think of the Rega Exact?

    • Ian White

      March 10, 2023 at 12:03 am


      Depends on the table and the rest of the system.

      Anything more you can share?


      Ian White

  8. nj

    May 17, 2023 at 11:19 am

    went from a grado sonata to a soundsmith zephyr and feel that despite the large price increase that it was worth every penny. it is mounted on a vpi classic tt and running through a rogue sphinx, and I’ve never enjoyed my system and music collection more than I do now.

    • Ian White

      May 17, 2023 at 3:43 pm


      Peter makes amazing cartridges. The Zephyr II is a wonderful cartridge. I’ve heard a number of them on the Classic 3, Direct Drive, and even an older HW-19 MKIV and they were all superb cartridges. Enjoy your music. And don’t upgrade!


      Ian White

  9. ORT

    August 5, 2023 at 10:35 pm

    I have a Sumiko Moonstone installed in my favorite ‘table my X2 or is it 2X Pro-Ject with the SB and humongous acrylic platter!!

    Hah! Take that, Will McCormick! I am one of the cool kids now so you can take an airborne intercourse back to the House at Poop Corner, Piglet.


  10. TonyE

    August 13, 2023 at 6:44 am

    I had a Sonata (low output) for years… but I upgraded to the Master 2 (low output) and it was money well worth it.

    Particularly as Grado gives you a healthy trade in chunk as you move up the line.

    My TT is a Linn LP12 with the Ittok LVII tonearm, Lingo/Karousel/etc.. and my preamp is a DIY fully adjustable job (resistive load, inductive load, gain) based on the Pass Pearl 2.

    Note: the Grados want a 47K load impedance and don’t care much about the inductance (moving iron design). So, if you get a low output version (currently 1mV) you need a “sort of” hybrid preamp… high gain (as for MC) but 47K load (as for MM).

    Also, you didn’t mention the cartridge set up which requires much more than just tracking weight and anti skating… you also have to set up its azimuth, rake, VTA, etc… the wooden Grados are hard to set up because the stylus is set back in the body and are hard to see from the front.

    The step up transformer is pretty much no longer needed… just get a phono preamp with settings for MC and spend the money on a better TT/tonearm/cartridge/preamp.

    Oh, BTW, what’s with that note: “Only 50% of vinyl buyers own a turntable”? What’s the point of buying records if you can’t play them?

  11. N J Flanigan

    August 22, 2023 at 2:51 pm

    absolutely love my soundsmith zephyr, well worth the upgrade cost from my sonata 3

    • Ian White

      August 22, 2023 at 3:26 pm


      Peter makes amazing cartridges. Not even a question. When I can get a more current review sample, it will likely make this list.


      Ian White

  12. Ed Brumbaugh

    August 6, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    Good article, thanks. I upgraded my entry level Audio-Technica turntables $69.00 cartridge with an Audio-Technica AT-VM95ML dual moving magnet phono cartridge … made a big difference. I feel like regardless of your turntable, it’ll only be as good as the cartridge you’re using, in my case, the $500.00 turntable came equipped with a $69.00 cartridge, so I felt like I could get more performance out of upgrading the cartridge, nothing too extreme in the upgrade to the 95ML, but it was definitely a upgrade I’d recommend to folks. Thanks again.

    • Ian White

      August 12, 2024 at 1:31 pm


      Thank you for reading it. I tend to lean in the other direction when it comes to tables and cartridges. My advice to consumers is spend more on the table and see how it responds to different cartridges that might not be super expensive.

      I have had good luck with cartridges like the Denon DL-103, Goldring E4, Sumiko Blue Point No.3 on tables that are 3 to 5 times the price of the cartridge. A better table provides a long-term platform that can only get better as you upgrade the cart and phono stage.

      But I do like the AT-VM95ML very much. Good choice!


      Ian White

  13. Steve

    December 26, 2024 at 5:06 am

    Hi Ian.

    Interesting article.

    I have a Marantz model 6300 turntable and earlier this year I started using the AT – VM95ML cartridge. I like the cartridge, but I wonder if you have thoughts on other cartridges you would recommend for my turntable. FYI I listen mostly to classical music (e.g., orchestral music, often violin concertos) but I also listen to music that came out in the 1960s to the early 1980s (e.g., the Beatles, Queen, Simon & Garfunkel).

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


    • Ian White

      December 26, 2024 at 11:51 am


      Depends on the phono pre-amplifier and the rest of your system. Need more information.



    • Ian White

      December 26, 2024 at 3:36 pm


      If memory serves me correctly, the 6300 (based on the tonearm) needs a low compliance cartridge. It also depends on budget and your phono pre-amp.


  14. Steve

    December 27, 2024 at 5:28 am

    Hi Ian.

    I don’t have a phono pre-amp. I rotate some vintage receivers with the 6300. The receivers are a Kenwood KR-4070 (which I am using with the 6300 now), a Sherwood S-7200 and a Sony STR-7045. I usually attach my vintage Infinity Qa speakers.

    As for budget, I guess I am asking what your thoughts are if I were to upgrade to a cartridge that is more expensive than the AT-VM95ML that I currently use (and which I like, by the way) but less than $1,000.

    Thank you for your thoughts.


    • Ian White

      December 27, 2024 at 5:07 pm


      I think it depends on the quality of the phono stage in any of those vintage receivers. I will go out on a limb (a short one) and guess that all of them have relatively “warmish” tonal balances?

      I think the Goldring E4 or Ortofon 2M Bronze below $495 would be ceiling in this scenario. Both are solid trackers, will sound amazingly transparent, and rather quick. The 2M Bronze is a warmer sounding cartridge compared to the E4 which is big on detail and neutrality.

      In a much darker sounding system — the E4 would probably offer great illumination but it doesn’t put a lot of meat on the bones or flesh out texture. The 2M Bronze is better at that.


  15. Steve

    December 29, 2024 at 7:44 pm

    Thank you, Ian.

    Best wishes for 2025 from Toronto.


    • Ian White

      December 29, 2024 at 8:11 pm


      Best wishes from the corner of Bathurst and Eglinton. Been a tough year. Currently in the old neighbourhood dealing with a lot of stuff.

      Happy New Year.


  16. Steve

    December 31, 2024 at 5:02 am

    Ian, what a coincidence — I live 2 blocks south of Eglinton between Bathurst and Spadina!

    Yes, it’s been a very difficult year. I hope you and your loved ones have a healthy and happy year ahead.


    • Ian White

      December 31, 2024 at 11:20 am


      I grew up on Rostrevor Road, with stops on Glenayr, Forest Hill and Russell Hill Road.

      USDS/Beth Tzedec kid.



  17. Steve

    December 31, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    Hi Ian.

    I don’t want to put anything personal in a public note like this, so let’s just say that it is a very small world indeed.

    If you wish, free to reach out on my email address that I use to post these comments.

    My sincere best wishes for a healthy and happy year ahead.


    • Ian White

      December 31, 2024 at 7:57 pm



      I miss the Wiz and La Lucciola. Even the Bagel King…but definitely not China House. Leon and Vince cut my hair at the Penthouse starting in 1973.

      My bedroom window would open every morning as they took the blueberry buns out of Health Bread/Open Window Bakery and the drool came soon after. The 1970s and early 1980s were rad.



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