It seems that there is group of individuals that is interested in using car audio equipment, especially subwoofers & sub amps in their homes. I must state emphatically, that this is just NOT a good idea. Just as home audio gear is designed specifically for use in the home with consideration of varios room sizes and acoustics, car audio gear is specifically designed for use in a car. The size of the inside of a car and the soft surfaces are taken into consideration in designing car audio gear.
In general, home audio gear is made with greater interest in sound quality than is car audio gear. Car audio amps must be made compact so as not to take up too much room. If such size requires sacrificing sound quality, it will be done. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to put a lot of effort into making car audio gear sound good since while driving, if you have any business driving, you will not be able to consentrate on the music like you would at home. While driving, I have the car radio on, but I often miss much of what is being played. I have to be in the city in heavy traffic or drive in adverse conditions a lot. The system that came with my car sounds decent. That's all I ask of a car audio system.
Powering a car speaker with a home amp is not a good idea since car speakers tend to be of lower impedence than home speakers. Home amps are designed to power 6 to 8 ohm speakers. Home amps will not enjoy driving 1 - 3 ohm loads.
In addition, running car amps in your home requires a suitable power supply which can be rather costly if it is to power the amp adequetly.
So, ultimately, it's your house and your money and therefore your choice. However, using audio gear as intended is your best bet.